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The creators of the EWS should not underestimate the enemy, and also need to res...

"Wins the one who reacts faster": How Ukraine is to overtake Russia in the field of ROB (video)

The creators of the EWS should not underestimate the enemy, and also need to respond to the situation on the battlefield, which often dictates the demand for technique of this type. Ukrainian producers of radio electronic struggle can successfully compete with Russian creators of this type of technique, but to do this, you need to consider a number of important points.

This opinion was voiced by the head of the direction of cooperation and partnership with Brave1 security and defense forces Oleg Donets in an interview with Militar, which was published on Wednesday, January 10. He noted that when working with domestic manufacturers of the Brave1 systems, the Brave1 team always applies a comprehensive approach, analyzing not only their capabilities, but also the possibilities of the opposing side.

According to the expert, in the field concerning radio electronic struggle, it is necessary to analyze and investigate how the enemy develops in this direction. And in the case of Russian creators of such technique, they should not be underestimated. "Undoubtedly, it should not be underestimated. He (enemy - ed. ) Quite well understand the role of radio electronic struggle on the battlefield and they (Russians, ed. ) Have understood it for a long time and quite clearly.

They invest a lot of money in the development of this direction, They also create infrastructure and educational institutions that prepare specialists, "said Oleg Donets. Continuing the topic of competition of Ukrainian producers of the IRs with Russian, he also stressed that the Russian Federation is investing large funds in the development of new weapons samples in the purchase of these samples.

Yes, as of now, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has at least 100 different types of weapons samples and you need to count. However, Oleg Donets also pointed out that the situation on the battlefield is very dynamic and therefore the advantage of the Russian army in the field of Reb cannot remain inviolable. Thus, Ukrainian creators of this class technique have the opportunity to respond promptly to the situation and to "answer" the creation of improved products.

"Therefore, it is important here to be constantly in the process of this improvement of your product, to understand what threats arise. And the one who responds faster to these threats and in radio electronic struggle. Finds a decision to counteract her, ”Oleg Donets explained.

He added that in order to strengthen the production of HRs in Ukraine and the competitiveness of products, to organize the "rules of the game" in the market, which will help the creators of the technique to become more effective. We will remind, earlier we wrote about how Ukraine "comes on five" Russia in the sphere of Reb. Ukrainian engineers need only a few days to get a new weapon used by the enemy and develop a opposition strategy.