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Russia did not allow inspection to be inspected to representatives of the United...

Under the threat of disruption: Russia has broken a key nuclear contract - US Department of State

Russia did not allow inspection to be inspected to representatives of the United States. The US State Department stated on Tuesday Congress that the Kremlin is breaking a nuclear weapons control agreement and does not provide inspection access to its territory. ABC News reported this on January 31. According to officials of the State Department, this threatens one of the few areas of cooperation between Moscow and Washington.

"Russia does not fulfill its obligations under the new SNO contract for the promotion of inspection in its territory. The refusal of Russia to promote inspection hinders the United States to exercise important rights under the contract and threatens the viability of US-Russian control over nuclear weapons," the representative said. State Department.

The contract for the reduction of strategic offensive weapons, also known as S-3, is an agreement between the United States and Russia, which came into force in 2011 and in 2021 extended for another 5 years. This Agreement limits the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the US and Russia can accommodate, as well as the deployment of land and submarine rockets and bombers for their delivery.

Under the terms of the agreement, these restrictions should be checked through data exchange inspections and other control measures. We will remind, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov on January 31 in an interview with The Wall Street Journal stated that Russia will not use nuclear weapons, as it will lead to its complete collapse.