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The Russian troops managed to wage in Ukrainian defense near Toretsk, recognizes...

Toretsky surprise. As the command of the Armed Forces began an operation that did not plan

The Russian troops managed to wage in Ukrainian defense near Toretsk, recognizes the military analyst Konstantin Mashovets. He sees this, however, not the result of a thoroughly planned operation, but a breakthrough "on a", which has unexpectedly succeeded. About the Toretsky direction, in the light of events in the Pokrovsky direction.

Over the last few days (we can talk about a week) the advanced units of the enemy (probably from the composition of the motorized rifle regiments of territorial troops \ SMEs of TRV, which are promptly subordinated to the 132nd separate motorized rifle brigade \ OMSBR of the 1st Army Corps), but not yet The units we identified from the composition of the same association (quite possibly, the 109th Rifle Regiment of this AK) began active (in the sense of the offensive) actions in the directions of Mayorsk-North, as well as Mayorsk-iron and eastern part of the southern-North.

As a result, they were able to succeed in the tactical defense zone of the Armed Forces, having wedged in it to a depth of 2. 6 km and on the front - up to 5. 6 km . . .

And it seems that in the southern part of this inquiry the enemy met with minimal resistance, figuratively speaking, "" Running "on the way to the north of the dumps through our leading positions (and even in satellite images there is a reference point there) and departing in the village of Poskodnone directly on Lenin Street and Kharkivska Street and a little to reach the social town. What does it mean? And why did the enemy now be intensified in the Toretsky direction? Well, let us in order . . .

In my opinion, it means an attempt to realize a very similar "script" of a breakthrough in the city of grouping troops (UV) of the enemy "Yug", which it has recently tried "on the city Center "and regarding M. Toretsk. And as far as I understand, in the case of M. Toretsk, as long as the enemy from the Center in the "Center" is quite successful, unlike their "colleagues" in the area . In connection with these events, a logical question arises.

And why in the general directorate "East-West", in fact, "in the forehead", instead of classic actions for bypass and coverage? The answer is banal and obvious. Because the enemy has not been able to create preliminary conditions for the classic surgery on the environment. The South Fas (Flang, if you like so much) formed only partially (the enemy did not go to the border with a dry beam-New York), but the northern (yeah, the same one who from the part of the city of Yar), in general "stuck".

And accordingly, what remains? That's right - to direct the main efforts of the "Center" towards Pokrovsk "and the road that connects this city with Konstantinovka. Well, at the same time "go out to R. Vovich. " And to Toretsk try to break from the East, which is obviously not expected by our command at all (considering their opponents by people sober), or missed the moment when the Russian command decided to "resolve the problem of Toretsk" in another way than it was thoughtful ". .

Well, as a result - we have what we have. Why right now? It is also clear. Time scatters, June ends, and the preliminary conditions for "beautiful operation on the roundabout" toretsko "could not be created by the enemy.

Therefore, in order not to disrupt all the ideas, plans and schedules of the summer and autumn campaign in 2024 in the part of this direction, obviously, the enemy's command and hastened to organize a "toretsk", hoping for suddenness and "unripe" Such a decision, and so far, it turned out in these calculations of the right. Well, summing up.

In my biased and subjective opinion, in the Toretsky direction, we are still dealing with such an attempt by the enemy from the category of "howling" (by the way, a fairly frequent method of Russian command "forgive" system of defense of the Armed Forces in one direction or another). But while in the Toretsky direction he "goes" is quite successful, but I doubt that the Russian command in general is seriously considering "the storming of the" Toretskaya as, in fact, the main one.