The Armed Forces Major made the corresponding post on Telegram on Thursday, August 15. In his report, the military stressed that countries that have suffered from Russian aggression in different epochs should return their territories and make Russia pay for the committed. "Now successful time to sign a true peace agreement. Agreement between all neighbors of the Russian Federation on the separation of its territory.
All countries in which it is not the formation in different epochs took away land, robbed and killed people, must return their own and force P ** Ku to pay for crimes, "Georin said. The deputy commander of the 3rd OSHB believes that Russia-neighboring countries should enter the territory of the Russian Federation, "cut off" its parts and officially join them. "Go, cut off pieces and formally attach to itself. And forget that Russia has once existed in its present form.
We showed that everything is possible. And together this source of constant danger for the whole world would be much easier to destroy," - is convinced he. To his post, Georin added a video of his brother George Kuparashvili, in which he provided an important message to the Russians.
He recalled when Russia occupied 20 percent of the territory of Georgia, the Russian military, including the 71st Motorized Rifle Regiment, wrote a sentence of the following content on the wall: "Georgian comrades, study true military affairs. Let's come-let's check. " "We listened to this advice, studied well and together with the Ukrainians came to take an exam in your territory. If we need - we will come and stand again," Koparashvili said.
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