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According to the Slovak Minister of Slovak, Yurai Blanar, the country's NPP is n...

Slovakia intends to block sanctions on Russian nuclear fuel

According to the Slovak Minister of Slovak, Yurai Blanar, the country's NPP is not technically ready to abandon Russian nuclear fuel. Slovakia opposed the inclusion in the 12th package of European sanctions against Russian nuclear fuel. This was stated on Saturday, November 18, the Foreign Minister and European Affairs Slovakia, Yury Blanar, on the air of RTVS "Saturday dialogues".

The blanar explained the position of Slovakia by the fact that the country's nuclear power plants did not go through the necessary transformation to abandon Russian nuclear fuel and move to the alternative. According to the Minister, the Government of Slovakia is going to put the EU with a condition because it puts national interests above all. Bratislava wants her needs to be taken into account in a new package of sanctions, because today the country's NPP is only working on Russian fuel.

Yura Blanar stated that when it comes to the twelfth package of EU sanctions against Russia, his Smer-SD party would require a study of their influence not only on the European Union but also on Slovakia itself. "For us, nuclear fuel sanctions are a red line," the Blanar said, noting that the European Union listens to Slovakia's objections.

According to the minister, sanctions did not have sufficient influence on Russia, but significantly influenced European business, in particular in Slovakia, where prices for products and fuel increased. The blanar believes that the European Union also pursues a "reflex" or unreasonable policy. As an example, he cited sanctions against Russia, which were imposed without studying the consequences. "There is no appropriate study on the influence they have on Slovakia and the European Union today.

However, we see that it is negative," the minister said, adding that Russia continues the war in Ukraine, and the EU, meanwhile, goes into recession. Tomasz Valasek, a deputy from the "Progressive Slovakia Progressive Slovakia, agreed with Blanar on sanctions. Valacek noted that if the sanctions relate to the import of nuclear fuel from Russia, any Slovak government will veto this package.

However, the deputy contracted the previous packages of sanctions against Russia, noting that they prevented Russia from arming their army as it could do it without them. Yura Blanar confirmed that Slovakia would stop military supplies to Ukraine, but is ready to support financial assistance to Kiev, provided that the money will be spent on their intended purpose and will not be "lost". We will remind, on the Slovak-Ukrainian border increases the queues of trucks.