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Olga Loek considered the actions of Dipfeyk-Avatar offensive and sent complaints...

The girl from Ukraine found on the network of her Shi cloth: sells goods from the Russian Federation and praises China (video)

Olga Loek considered the actions of Dipfeyk-Avatar offensive and sent complaints to Chinese social networks for counterfeit accounts. Some of them were removed. Blogger Olga Loyk from Ukraine recently discovered her own digital clone on Chinese social networks. Dipfeyk with Olga's appearance sells Russian goods in China and praises Russian-Chinese relations, VOA News reports. Loyek recently launched a channel on YouTube, where he talks about mental health and shares his life philosophy.

Soon the girl received a message from subscribers that they saw her on Chinese social networks Douyin and Bilibili. Olga decided to check the information and found that her Shi Clone, who calls herself Natasha, then Anna, then Grace on different Chinese platforms, sells Russian goods, speaks of Mandarin and praises friendship between Russia and China. The blogger used Google Translate to understand what Dipfeyk is saying.

She was offended by the fact that her appearance was used to glorify Russian-Chinese relations. "It's very offensive," she said. In some videos, avatars talk about how much they value the close ties of Russia and China. In other videos, they praise Chinese history and culture or think about how much Russian women want to marry the Chinese. "If you are married to Russian women, we will wash your clothes for you, cook and wash dishes every day," Olga Loyk said.

- "We will also give birth to you as many children as you want. " Blogger Olga Loyk suggested that the purpose of creating such autrans is that people in China feel that foreigners recognize their country's superiority. Douyin is a Chinese version of TikTok, and Bilibili is the largest video platform of China, like YouTube.

It is noteworthy that Olga's Shi Clons were created with the help of Heygen, which allows you to create avatars who speak different languages, free of charge in limited quantities and paid-in unlimited and best effects. The publication reminds that the technology developed by Heygen was used in videos with artificial intelligence, which Donald Trump and Taylor Swift speak Chinese. These videos became viral on Chinese social networks in October 2023.

According to Forbes, the company is now estimated at $ 75 million. Heygen's moderation policy shows that users cannot create avatars who "represent real people, including celebrities or public figures, without explicit consent. " The official training video of Avatars Creating shows that you need to send a video of people who agree to use their images. It is unclear how the creators of Avatar Olga Loyk managed to bypass the video with her, but without her consent.

The Ukrainian and her subscribers sent complaints to Chinese companies, as a result of more than 10 accounts with the clone. Shi-Avatars were also used in online misinformation campaigns that spread the Processing and Anti-American agenda. In February 2023, Graphika's research firm found a campaign on social networks, which promotes Beijing's interests using videos with computer people who have a realistic appearance, made a conclusion of the media.