According to him, this indicates that the Vector/Scorpion system has been highly appreciated by the military, including the Ukrainian ones. The company also said that their other systems sent to Ukraine were less demand. First, Ukraine has always been able to use drones in the absence of GPS, when the Russian military tried to stuff the link between operators with drones of VECTOR/SCORPION. As a result, the Russians failed to land no UAV.
Secondly, the drone occupies a minimum of space, can start from any site due to the technology of vertical takeoff and planting (VTOL). The control of the aircraft is carried out by means of a ground control station (GCS), which allows one operator to track all the steps related to the mission, from planning to execution. This simplicity of use has proven to be invaluable for the Armed Forces, the material is noted. But these drones are not only popular in Ukraine.
In October 2022, the system was put to the Netherlands and for the US Marines. At the same exhibition, Quantum Systems presented the concept of the Trinity Tactical drone model. This UAV with a fixed wing and VTol is the following version developed on the basis of Trinity F90+. It can carry a high-resolution RGB chamber, multi-spectric chambers and Lidar sensors. Like Vector/Scorpion, TRINITY is controlled by software installed, for example, on a laptop.
The device will be placed in a backpack, so it is very convenient to transport it. Works with the help of an encrypted communication channel. The characteristics of the future drone: weight - 5. 5 kg, wingspan - 2. 4 m, load capacity - 1 kg, maximum flight height - 4 500 m. Recall, earlier Focus wrote that Russia brought on IDEx 2023 "defeated" drones "cubes" ". American expert Samuel Bendett noted that the "CUB" repeatedly brought the Russians, missing or not exploding.
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