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The Ukrainian

Ahead is a hungry war. Why Ukrainians should prepare for a harsher life

The Ukrainian "Sita War" with overcrowded supermarkets and restaurants, in view of everything, is coming to an end, a volunteer Gennady Druzenko warns. Resources are over, so a typical war is ahead, with all its difficulties and poverty, the survival war - not only on the front, but also in the deep rear.

The end of the Flowing War of The Wall Street Journal has recently published an article, the name of which can be translated as "more and more Ukrainians want to agree on the termination of the war: the military does not agree with this.

" According to the figures given in the material, "18% of veterans and servicemen who are in real military service, believe that Ukraine should seek to end the war through negotiations that are the lowest among all demographic groups that participated in the study. 15% Soldiers and veterans stated that they would have joined an armed protest if Kiev had signed a peace treaty with which they did not agree.

" In principle, the position of the military realized: too expensive the price they pay every day to stop "somewhere in the middle. " Those who broke in the war, or died or in the HSC, are unlikely to be involved in the polls. In general, the fact that people in uniform are ready to fight for victory is a definitely positive fact. But war is not just about readiness to resist. Not only about the willingness to kill and die for your homeland. This is also about resources. For the last 2.

5 years, our allies have actually paid during the Ukrainian war, allowing Ukraine to spend almost twice as much as it receives revenues. And although formally external financial support does not cover military expenditures, but instead closes other budgetary needs, its volume this year (about $ 41 billion) is approximately equal to this year's budget expenditures for the security and defense sector (1 trillion 692. 6 billion UAH ). Plus, direct supply of weapons and ammunition on a free basis.

Judging from public statements of parliamentarians that money to pay the military in the budget will end, we can consider that the figure of € 120 million is closer to the truth, which Ukraine spends every day for war, which was heard in German media a month ago. According to such estimates, to continue to fight, Ukraine requires about 2 trillion hryvnias a year. This is even more than the total revenues of the state budget for this year (1,746 trillion UAH).

At the same time, all our partners warn the Ukrainian authorities that the help will continue to be reduced, as it will support Ukraine even at the current level of "AS Long As Needed" Western leaders, dependent on their voters, is more difficult. Therefore, Ukraine will have to increase taxes, which the IMF was literally emphasized: "Tax revenues should increase in 2025 and further to ensure critical costs.

" It seems that our absolutely atypical in the history of "Sita War" - with overcrowded supermarkets and restaurants, with unprecedented even for the peaceful time of purchased new elite cars, with billions of hryvnias spent on the landscaping of cities, and millions of dollars for the construction end. Ahead is a heavy winter. According to the premiere, it may be the most difficult. Ahead - delays in cash payments to servicemen and other state employees.

Ahead is a reduction in government order, which is now a national economy driver. Ahead - degradation due to underfunding of health care systems and education. Ahead is the increase in social injustice and pressure on business. That is, a typical war ahead, with all its difficulties and poverty. A war for survival. And not only on the front, but also in the deep rear. We collided in a tangent in the spring of 2022. And which they read about in books and looked in movies.

God forbid that I could be wrong and we manage to avoid all this. God forbid that our war continues to remain tragic, but at least a sieve. But it is discouraged that the debit loan is no longer converging. And they will not go next, the more. I wonder how ready to fight for a full victory in the conditions of "hunger war"? What is more difficult, it is more fair to those who are in the chances.