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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation intensified in the Kursk region and w...

The Counter -offensive of the Russian Federation in Kursk region: how will the Armed Forces work, and how the situation on the front has changed

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation intensified in the Kursk region and went on a counter -offensive on the line of schism - Lyubimivka. The enemy threw his forces from other areas of the front, and the Armed Forces lose the territory. The focus figured out what the battle of the Kursk lands would turn. On the evening of October 10, Deepstate stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation managed to sell the left flank of the Kursk group of Ukrainian troops.

So the invaders try to fix themselves in the area of ​​Novoivanivka and the Green Road, as a result, an unreliable tactical situation for adjacent units was formed to the north. Analysts noted that the Kursk grouping of Ukrainian troops is a great "vinaigrette" with appropriate interaction. "We are on the threshold of the next mess because of repetition of mistakes. We very much hope that the surroundings will be avoided.

Kursk operation is a really great strategic success of defense forces, but any victory must be held, not hope that the enemy will continue to be the mote,"- It is in the message. According to the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Syrsky, the command of the Russian Federation transferred about 50 thousand fighters to the Kursk region, in particular, this happened from other areas where the offensive actions took place.

He stressed that the enemy weakened his groups in Zaporizhzhya, Kherson and Kramatorsk. Currently, the situation in the Kursk region is difficult. According to the co -founder of the Deepstate Project Roman Pogoreli, the enemy continues to realize his forces, which he constantly accumulated. In particular, the Russians develop their successes where they began - on the western flank of the territory controlled by the Kursk grouping of Ukrainian forces.

"It started from the area of ​​the schism, then the Russians reached Lyubimivka, and today they were already notic , he is now marked with a gray zone, "said the focus of Pogorely. According to him, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are successful and continue to press even more, as a result everything will pour, and prospects are not very comforting for Ukrainians.

The military-political observer of the "Information Resistance" group Alexander Kovalenko stressed that in the Kursk region there is a phase of maneuverable mobile battles between Russian occupation troops. On September 10, they switched to the so -called counter -offensive on the line of permanence - Lyubivivka. "Recently, they (occupiers, ed. ) Appeared at about the administrative boundaries of the suburbs of the settlement of Lyubimivka.

They had advancement, but it somehow did not affect the liberation of the Kursk region. We controlled about 1250 square kilometers when the so -called Russian counter -offensive began in the Kursk region. , but as of now, we control more than 1100 square kilometers, provided that we have expanded the area in other sections, for example in Glushkovsky district, and have the opportunity to take control of part of the settlement of Totkino, " - explained Focus Kovalenko.

According to the military expert and expatriate of the SBU Ivan Stupak, the enemy squeezes the Armed Forces from the territory of the Russian Federation, actively pressed by order to settle on settlements, in order to force Ukrainians to retreat to the district of Sudzhi Kursk region. "From the north and east of the Russian army presses on our armed forces. Unfortunately, they have gradual success.

If at the beginning of September, Mr Syrsky reported on the 1300 square kilometers we control, then as of now we are directly controlled by only 750 square kilometers, And indirectly 200. All about one thousand square kilometers in Kursk region. The expert is convinced that the enemy will be able to delay the Ukrainian forces. According to him, it could be shown that Ukrainians would keep the defense very well if it was our only direction. However, there are Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya region.

"The Russians press on every direction. Somewhere more, somewhere less, but we just do not have enough resources in all directions - people, techniques, ammunition, ammunition. In the Kursk region, the best of the best - paratroopers, special units. , - says Stupak. Roman Pogorely noted that the Kursk operation was enchanting.

There, the defense forces had significant movement, took control of a large part of the territory, while the extent of the ideas of goals had to play a huge role now and future. However, he said that new forces in the Kursk region can be called "vinaigrette", it is about the emergence of TROs, which are not ready to accomplish those tasks, which are used by the battalions.

"Although we started with the formed brigades, with a literally single management, which was controlled by few people, and accordingly it was all a good thought. As well as to build their strength, to implement them, because they were preparing for it, "he explained. The co -founder of the DeepState project noted that in order to improve the situation for defense forces in the Kursk region, you need to pay attention to all problems first, and they are much deeper.

That is, it is not only about any maneuvers, the involvement of units, but also about checking the efficiency of these units - security, readiness, personnel. "Now, even when one quantitative personnel is presented on the papers, and the position comes to a completely different position. Even despite the maximum attempt to control the commander -in -chief of this operation and inventing, he cannot travel for everyone and check, count people, but it is necessary To control the reports.

said the bizarre. The military expert, the Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleg Zhdanov believes that in the Kursk direction it will not be possible to improve the situation, because additional reserves in Ukraine, in his opinion, are not enough to introduce now. "I think the situation can be improved or stabilized by the actions of the command staff, making appropriate decisions and actions of the personnel of those parts involved in the Kursk operation.

There is necessary to evaluate the situation and possibly through the regrouping ", - said Focus Zhdanov. He said that no surroundings of the Ukrainian forces were being said, in the Kursk region only the situation on the Western flank has worsened. While this front is dynamic, the fighting line varies. "This is a maneuverable war, and the front line can fluctuate in any direction," the expert said.

Oleksandr Kovalenko believes that defense forces can improve the situation in the Kursk region, despite the quantitative advantage of the enemy. In Glushkovsky district, quite favorable conditions are emerging to move towards the district center. Also, the enemy arsenal, located in the Bryansk region, has recently been destroyed, it was he who provided most of the ammunition for enemy Kursk Group for Sprinking and Reactive Artillery.

"It will influence the possibility of using artillery components in the near future it is Kursk group. It will have a negative impact on their combat capability. So, we will have the opportunity to use it for more interesting situations," the expert said. Ivan Stupak is not sure whether Ukraine needs Kursk region. "The first two or three weeks of questions are not, it was a tremendous operation, effective, panic was undeniable in the Russians," he said.

The expert noted that further defense forces cannot pass due to resource restrictions. In the Kursk region, the Ukrainian military controls up to hundreds of settlements, while in the east they lose large cities, including coal.

"Why do we need that Kursk? As for me, we had to finish in early September, with his head raised with his head out of there and say," We did everything, we reached the goals that set ourselves, "we solemnly shoot the flag in Sudzhi And we go out, and then let the Russians jump out and say that we have not driven them. Stupak has specified that now the question is only in the cost of life of Ukrainian military and equipment.

According to Roman Pogorely, the transfer of Russian forces from other areas to the Kursk direction will not affect the front. In particular, the enemy dragged a lot of forces from the rear - the depth of the Russian Federation. "On the one hand, they have the ability to use" meat ", as well as personnel and equipment. And there, of course, actively works aviation, drones, artillery, various means, as well as fire damage, yes And support.

The analyst said that it has influenced the development of events on the northern borders of Kharkiv region, because the enemy dragged some forces from there, but the enemy continues to control what he had previously taken, the Ukrainian forces are trying to push and clean it. "It is in vain that the enemy will stop pressing on Pokrovsk or Mirnograd. Yesterday the last settlement was lost, which was before Mirnograd. Therefore, the situation will only be complicated, unfortunately," Pogorey added.

Oleg Zhdanov noted that the transfer of forces of the Russian Federation from other areas of the front to the Kursk direction did not affect the battlefield. The only observed is the decrease in the combat activity of the Russians in some operational directions.

It is about Siversky, where the enemy performs two or three attacks a day, Orikhivsky, where the enemy has become a little more activated, but it is a low intensity, the area of ​​Gulyaypol, where DRG has marked with the flag of the Russian Federation. Also, the Kramatorsk activity has also decreased quite strongly. Oleksandr Kovalenko stressed that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not throw forces from the Donbass, while they do it mainly from those areas that are not priority.

It is about groups of troops "Dnepr", "Vostok", "Center", from the Liman direction, "War" from Kupyansky. This also applies to the Crimean Defense Group. As a result, the enemy from each bridgehead takes a little so as not to reduce their defense capability. "And it is the Donetsk region, the Pokrovsko-Kurakhiv direction they (the Russians, ed. ) Do not touch it that it does not fold at all on their ability to take offensive actions," he added.

Ivan Stupak also noted that the transfer of hostile forces did not affect other fronts. Ukraine has lost its coal, the enemy is actively clinging to Selidovo. If the Russians manage to go there, then there is Pokrovsk. Yes, the opponent of a little slowed down somewhere, but to say that completely - no. Stupak believes that Ukraine can stop Russian advancement with the maximum destruction of hostile warehouses.

In particular, in the European part of the Russian Federation there are seven, there are bonds, rockets, artillery, ammunition to machines and Kulimets. The forces of defense have already destroyed four of them, three left. While up to 20 large warehouses are located throughout the Russian Federation. When destroyed, they can damage enemy logistics, as a result of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they will slow down, and at best will stop completely.

We will remind, on October 11 in Deepstate reported that the situation in the Kursk region is difficult, but controlled. The Ukrainian military conduct stabilization actions, but has not yet been resumed control over all lost areas. On October 10, the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex" said that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation tried to repel a lovedivka in the Kursk region. According to him, the enemy came with great forces and about 30 units of military equipment.