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The occupier received 6 years in the lattice for teenagers' inclination to suici...

The Armed Forces shot the curator of "Blue Whale" from the Russian Federation: he cured and conducts "courage lessons"

The occupier received 6 years in the lattice for teenagers' inclination to suicide. He was released ahead of schedule and participated in the war against Ukraine on the side of the Wagner. In Russia, the "courage" lesson was conducted by the occupier, who was planted for lattice as a curator of a dangerous game for children and adolescents "Blue Whale" in Russia. He bowed the minors to suicide and then fought against Ukraine. About it writes the Russian edition "Medusa".

Thus, the occupier Oleksandr Glazov, who killed Ukrainians in the Wagner PEC, held a lesson for eighth -graders of the school №1 of the city of Kotelniki of the Moscow region on the topic "Where patriotism begins. " He spoke about participating in the war in Ukraine. In 2019, Glazova, who then lived in Lyubers, was sentenced to 6 years in a colony on accusation of inclination to suicide.

According to the investigation, Glazov on his personal pages in Vkontakte published a task for those who are about to commit suicide. Within the game "Blue Whale", he gave children different tasks of the type of walks of the roofs of houses, the course of the railway track before train, cutting hands and more. The occupier then pleaded guilty and stated that he played the Blue Whale game and received a proposal to become a curator.

According to the case file, one of the girls intended to commit suicide, but it was saved by law enforcement. The man was released ahead of schedule and participated in the invasion of Ukraine and fought on the side of the Wagner. Judging from the photos that the occupier publishes on his social networks, he lost several fingers in the war. We will remind that in the Russian Federation the occupier after "lesson of courage" at the school beat the neighbor.