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For the first time in history in Russia will be large -scale training in connect...

Prepare "New Chernobyl": Why Russia conducts training because of nuclear threat

For the first time in history in Russia will be large -scale training in connection with nuclear threat. Experts believe that the Russian leadership is preparing or imitating preparation for "New Chornobyl" to stop the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces, as well as to prevent Ukraine's influence in the IAEA leaders. On Tuesday, October 3, Russia will conduct large -scale civil defense training due to the alleged threat of nuclear war.

The "prompt task" for carrying out these measures prescribed a scenario: there were several nuclear explosions in the territory of "individual entities". At the same time, explosions are a consequence of "the use by the enemy of modern means of defeat of long -range", which was due to "increasing tension near the borders of the Russian Federation. " Nuclear blows have completely destroyed the infrastructure and 70% of the housing stock.

In some areas, areas of "strong radioactive contamination were formed, in particular due to the use of weapons of mass destruction. " In addition to destruction, possible accidents on hydrotechnical, chemical and radiation -hazardous objects, nairya -naphaded by Russian officials.

All responsible persons will take part in the training: from civil defense heads to the heads of state corporations, except for the "authorities" of the so -called DNR and LNR, as well as occupied parts of Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions. International security expert Taras Zhovtenko notes that preparing for large -scale exercises in Russia due to alleged nuclear threat has several reasons.

First of all, the leadership of the Russian Federation intends to check the readiness of bomb shelters: whether they will be able to protect the population if attacks from Ukraine on temporarily occupied Crimea, as well as the territories of the Russian Federation will strengthen. The second reason for large -scale exercises is the unwinding of nuclear blackmail. According to the expert, the Russian IPSO, aimed at Western partners of Kiev, has intensified in the information space.

"A few days ago, information about a date - October 4 appeared - to which the next wave of blackmail is tied. If Ukraine disagrees with the Russian Federation, they allegedly think about the use of nuclear weapons. There was also information that allegedly [president Russian Vladimir] Putin gave [Minister of Defense of Russian Sergius] Shoigu Time by the end of October to stop the Ukrainian counter -offensive. All these stories are directed at our Western partners.

Russia plays at the fear of the Third World War, " - says focus Zhovtenko. The expert adds that although the threat of nuclear war is real, since it will not be difficult for Putin to give an appropriate order, representatives of the Western countries have repeatedly warned in official and unofficial statements that the answer will be serious and in the Russian Federation understand all risks. "Last summer, the event made it serious. The Russian leadership then stated that it opposed nuclear war.

Also, their main allies - India and China, officially articulating that the use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable. I think Russia understands all the consequences - and political , and physical, "Zhovtenko adds. But the "new Chernobyl" Russians may well consider as a serious scenario, say the interlocutors of the focus.

According to the expert of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Alexei Hizhak, large -scale training can signal the preparation of a terrorist attack at one of the nuclear power plants or the imitation of such training. "It may be about preparing the incident in their own territory, although they also consider the ZPPs to be their own territory.

It is an actualization of the threat with a" new Chernobyl ", if Ukraine continues to advance, break through the maritime blockade and influence the decision of the IAEA after we have been elected to the Council of Managers. Not excluding that just in case can be prepared to hide a "state of emergency" if suddenly Putin does not experience his own birthday. Such a tradition is in authoritarian countries, "says Focus Hedgehog.

According to Zhovtenko, Russia can decide on a terrorist attack at the Zaporozhye NPP to try to stop the Ukrainian counter -offensive, and when this does not happen - to "sell" its exit from the territory of the nuclear power plant as a "victory". "They can decide on a man -made accident to show their population that the retreat is a" victory. Troops from the territory of the ZPE.

Against this background, propaganda stories have emerged, as if Ukraine is preparing an operation for the release of a nuclear power plant, which can lead to man -made disaster. Current training in the Russian Federation can use, in particular, to strengthen the blackmail in this direction, "the expert said . We will remind, on September 28 it became known that Ukraine became part of the Council of Managing IAEA.

Experts said focus that now Kiev has a chance to weaken the Russian radiation blackmail and to use the levers of the influence of the Atomic Energy Agency to click on "Rosatom" and the leadership of the Russian Federation, and in the future to be devoured. Focus also said that a number of representatives of Western countries believe that during the Russian-Ukrainian war it is impossible to exclude the use of nuclear weapons.