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The Tsakhal command reported that on September 27, the Hezbolla headquarters in ...

Hezbollai leader could die from the blow of Israel: Tsakhal confirmed the attack on a bunker in Beirut

The Tsakhal command reported that on September 27, the Hezbolla headquarters in one of the Beirut areas. The Israelites cannot yet confirm that the leader of Nasralle terrorists had been eliminated. From the strike of the Army of Defense of Israel on the bunker of the proxy of Iran's terrorist organization "Hezbolla" could die her leader Hasan Nasralla. On September 27, the Tsakhal press service announced that the terrorists in Lebanon continue the destruction.

He wrote about the possible death of Nasraeli Israeli journalist Ben Caspit on the social network X (Twitter). The Ben Caspit post appeared on the network at about 20 hours. September 27. The journalist refers to his own anonymous source in the system. This source has been assuring one and a half hours in a row that one of the blows of Tsahal eliminated Nasrall and the rest of the top of Hezbolla. There are no confirmations from other sources in the post.

On September 27, the press service of the Defense Army of Israel published a statement with the results of current blows to Hezbolly. A spokesman for the Israeli command reported that aviation had been struck by Hezbolla Central Staff, which is located under residential buildings in the center of Beirut. So far, the tank cannot confirm how effective the attack was. The information is specified, the Israelis explained.

Meanwhile, a video of a pile of fragments of the building appeared on social networks, probably in Beirut. The authors of the posts argue that there was previously a bunker of vicious. The official statements of Hezbollah have not yet been finding the fate of the leader. It should be noted that the strengthening of the hiding places of terrorists began on September 19, Focus wrote.

It was then that the Israeli Prime Minister addressed his compatriots and assured that they would soon return to the northern regions of the country, where they had to leave due to constant shelling "Hezbollas" from Lebanon. The start of the special operation was also reported by the command of the Tsakhal. In one message, the military showed intelligence data: buildings in the south of Lebanon, in which terrorists buried rockets, launchers and other weapons.

Under the houses were tunnels and staffs, on which 800 beats were stabbed on September 23. Before that, another special operation took place, which, as Nasrallas assured, killed 37 fighters, and 3,000 were injured. The Lebanon media published footage of pagan undermining on terrorists' belts. Subsequently, Western Media journalists found out that the Israeli company could stand under the blast, which laid explosives in the device at the manufacturer's stage and then sold them to Hezbolli.