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Russian propagandist Yevgen Lysytsin showed the wreckage of a reconnaissance dro...

The invaders knocked down their own UAVA Zala: Trofy boasted in Skabeva (video)

Russian propagandist Yevgen Lysytsin showed the wreckage of a reconnaissance drone of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, noting that he was knocked down by "Cossacks from the 6th Cossack Brigade". The armed forces of the Russian Federation shot down their own reconnaissance unmanned Zala, after which the Russian military correspondent Yevgeny Lisimin showed this drone on the air of the 60 Minute show, which is presented by Russian propaganda Olga Skabeva.

The serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a specialist in radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov (Sergey Flesh) in his Telegram-channel drew attention to this. On the air of the Program, Lisycin said that the "Ukrainian drone" was beaten "by the Cossacks from the 6th Cossack Brigade". He noted that the wingspan of the device reaches almost 2. 5 meters. The drone is also equipped with a camera with a 50mm lens and the function of thermal imaging.

According to Lisycin, such a UAV can fly at the height of a kilometer-a half and "see" the position of the enemy. In addition, these devices are installed by retalators, which increase the range of Mavic drones. "I love television of the Russian Federation and their warrior. Some reds have knocked down their Russian precious UALA ULA, and another idiot to Skabeva to boast him," said Sergey Beskrestov.

It should be noted that Zala is a UAV series produced by the Russian company "Zala Aero Group, unmanned systems" from Izhevskaya. It includes aircraft and helicopter types designed for intelligence. For the most part, they have small dimensions, but there is a model with a wing scale of 6 meters and a flight range up to 120 kilometers.

Last September, the soldiers of the radio electronic struggle, along with air defense forces in the Bakhmut direction, managed to "land" one of Zala drone, which led air intelligence at high altitude and corrected the work of lancet -type barge. We will remind, on March 28 the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also shot down their own aircraft Su-27 in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.