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Volunteer movement in Ukraine. As charitable foundations and domestic business, ...

Many fronts are one victory: the most interesting about volunteer funds and the help of medium business Ukrainian military

Volunteer movement in Ukraine. As charitable foundations and domestic business, including LLC "VK space", which offers certified domestic "Dnipro-2" turnstiles, they provide a reliable reliable rear together. We sincerely thank the warriors of the Defense Forces of Ukraine because they keep that "pixel line" at the cost of their lives, which protects the civilian population from the Russian invasion.

But any front should be supported by a reliable rear that supplies everything necessary to fighters: from ammunition, equipment and medicines, to equipment and household items. It is clear that most of this supply is carried out by the Ministry of Defense, but it is unlikely that anyone will question that much is done on a volunteer basis and by collaboration of the public sector and business.

During the years of Russian aggression, the volunteer movement has changed very much from the organizational point of view. In the beginning, it was mostly the "Brownian" movement that took everything, because, in fact, everything was not enough. Now it is actually an "ocean current", which consists of streams of help that have a clear specialization. Moreover, several stable and proven collaboration formats can already be distinguished.

Most of the hearing are multi -purpose and powerful charitable foundations, such as the Pritula Fund or the "return alive" fund. They can rightly be called "charitable corporations", which are for the power of performance. What is worth it, for example, such Projects of the BF "Come back alive" as "Anger of the Blessed" (long -term equipment for snipers) or "pack the sky - pump the air defense.

" Among the latest high -profile projects of the Pritula Foundation - "We can repeat" (purchase of UAV of the long range of action) and a large collection for mine machines. These funds themselves already feel their "weight" and very confidently report themselves as a force capable of "competently influence the war" or "to care for the Defense forces of Ukraine". The following (in the list, not by value), you can specify network volunteer collaborations, such as Save Ukraine.

These are the network of volunteer organizations that "implement the projects on the restoration and development of Ukraine according to the highest humanitarian standards and innovative technologies," - as the participants of this project speak for themselves. Save Ukraine was created by the NGO "International Club of Business People" and already has reported representatives of this 57 Humanitarian missions throughout Ukraine and 7 major activities.

Among them, they are so complex and important as humanitarian demining and rehabilitation. Next, you can specify "professional" collaborations, when informal associations on the "workshop" are concerned with the funding of a volunteer organization. For example, "Kolo" - "is a team of tops of technological companies that have created the Fund of operational assistance of the Armed Forces", as they speak for themselves.

It is not surprising, therefore, that such an association is focused on three areas that correspond to the profession of "founding parents". These are optics, air and communication. Such focus, in their opinion, should help Ukrainian defenders and defenders gain a high -tech advantage over the enemy. Accordingly, all the money received within this project is directed to the purchase of technological devices for the Defense Forces of Ukraine in accordance with these directions.

The so -called "specialized" collaborations show even greater "focus" in certain areas of assistance. For example, "SOS army" helps in a high -tech direction - supplies the control system and fire damage "Nettle", air intelligence and radio intelligence. There are examples of successful collaboration in other areas. Someone is concerned with the manufacture of masking for intelligence and snipers, as well as masking on equipment and terrain. Someone manufactures candles for our soldiers.

Someone provides legal assistance and legal protection. And someone is focused on humanitarian assistance to civilians affected by Russian aggression. Projects that arise through the cooperation of the public sector, volunteers and businesses should be recognized as a separate area of ​​collaboration. Usually Ukraine's large business sells "closed models" of assistance of the Armed Forces and Civilian population. When a targeted charity is created, which mostly works on a corporate image alone.

As they did in Roshen. Or simply systematic humanitarian aid is provided, as DTEK or Metinvest does. However, the emergence and spread of specific problems generated by Russian aggression leads to the emergence of excessive forms of collaboration, when not only large Ukrainian business and volunteers, but also well -known Ukrainians (as ambassadors), foreign funds with philanthrops, and even whole community are involved.

In particular, such surplus forms can be attributed to limb prosthetics and subsequent rehabilitation. Such as "Superhuman". A completely different - "open" - the model is mostly adhered to the Ukrainian medium business. As a rule, it produces a specialized product that can assist the Armed Forces and protect the civilian population, and is open to cooperation with all legal and interested volunteer collaborations.

A striking example is LLC "VK space", which offers certified domestic turnstiles "Dnipro-2", results for turnstiles, pharmacy, tactical stretchers and more. This company became known after a group of US retirers (mainly from the US Marine Corps), which was concerned with the formation of tactical first aid kits for the Armed Forces, began to seek quality and inexpensive substitutes for the "gold standard" of NATO - Cat Gen 7. And found them in just this manufacturer.

Moreover, the Brave US colonels have even arranged for Ukrainian turnstiles, which are considered one of the mandatory nomenclature units of an individual all-military aid kit, "Krash-test" and were satisfied. Therefore, it is not surprising that now these domestic turnstiles are actively purchased by well -known volunteers. To sum up, it should be acknowledged that all public and business collaborations have proven effective.