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According to Bjorn with the call sign

"First World with Drones": Former Fisherman from the Faroe Islands told about the war in Ukraine (photo)

According to Bjorn with the call sign "Viking", he is one of the few who have undergone intense training in a foreign legion. 40% of recruits do not withstand these loads. Bjorn was born in the remote Faroe Islands - an archipelago located between Norway, the United Kingdom and Iceland. To Ukraine he was a fisherman in Greenland and a builder in his native Fares. Then he got into the trenches near the front line in eastern Ukraine. About it reports Euronews.

Bjorn is one of the few who have undergone intense training in a foreign legion. According to him, 40% of recruits do not withstand the load. He traveled to Europe when his cousin, who joined the foreign legion of the Armed Forces at the beginning of a full -scale invasion, told him about the war. "We talked more than an hour. He told me about all the atrocities that the Russians create against civilians, prisoners of war, Wagner PEC, and these spooky videos," Bjorn said. "This is another war.

It is not like Iraq, Afghanistan or any other war. It looks like a repetition of the First World War, only with drones. You run on trenches, by bunkers. Even former soldiers need to be learned," he said. The initial physical training lasted 2-3 weeks, and in 5 weeks it is lost 20 kg. 26 other recruits came down from the distance in the middle of the course. The preparation lasts two months, the fighters train in full equipment, vests, which in 26-degree heat can weigh up to 20 kg. "A lot of guys came.

They joined the Legion and said in a week," You know, I have eight years of service experience in the army, I'm a railnger, a major or something like this. " two weeks, "he explained. According to Farorets, 20% of recruits go after 2-5 missions because they understand that "war is hell. " Some recruits leave the Ukrainian side after 4 months, after they understand that they are constantly being fired and they cannot sleep.

"There is an unofficial ritual: all recruits other soldiers give nicknames when they come. Bjorn is nicknamed" Viking " - a tribute to his norical origin and strong physique," the publication reads. His friend is called Cyprus - also by the name of the country of origin. In the first task, the recruits managed to pass only a few hundred meters before the drone dropped the grenade into the house where they were. Then it was necessary to pass three kilometers, they were continued to be fired.

Without air support, this is reminiscent of the 20th century wars. He admits that after the first few missions, he wanted to go home. But in the future he stood and used to break artillery, mortars, RPGs and more. According to him, it is necessary to learn how to distinguish these sounds, and then it will become more calm, it will be clear what you need to do. In the future, he was injured during one of the intelligence missions. His task was to track Russian soldiers in their armor.

But because of the conditions, the terrain had to swim rather than crawled. The shelling suddenly began. After a few minutes, the intense shootout, according to Bjorn, was as many RPG as he had never seen before. He covered his brothers from the RPG, sniper rifles and machine guns when he suddenly heard his armor punched. "There were two shots. The first - punches the armor, the second kills everything inside. I heard the first and thought that it was close. sand.

As a result, Shrapnel hit the body, arms and legs. Despite the wound, he was able to go 15 meters, where other fighters gave him first aid. He looked down at the bottom, saw a lot of blood in the groin area and feared the worst, but fortunately, everything did. Due to the adrenaline inflow, he did not feel pain during the wound. The pain appeared in two days. Since then, after surgery on nerve transplantation on one finger, 80% of the sensitivity of the hand has recovered.

He spent several months in the hospital. Five months later, it will be known whether the functionality has recovered. Bjorn said that many Russians are very young and not trained. They are thrown on the battlefield, they are lost and struck on Ukrainian soldiers. "They usually use these guys, send them forward to dig trenches and more. They are usually killed and then professionals go," he said.

It is very easy to distinguish paratroopers from mobilized, because the latter are very cowardly, they begin to shoot blindly 80-100 meters, the fighter explained. But professional military is very aggressive. Bjorn said that during the war he learned to appreciate the little things of life. "I used to hate to go to children's performances, but in the future I will be interested in them. Now I became vulnerable.