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Singer Ani Lorak, who lives and works in Moscow, first spoke about Russia's war ...

She never used the word "war". The traitor Ani Lorak first spoke of Ukraine, remembering the Right Sector, DNR and LNR

Singer Ani Lorak, who lives and works in Moscow, first spoke about Russia's war against Ukraine. In an open letter published on her site, Lorak said she finally decided to speak. At the same time, she never used the word "war" and did not affect the topics of cruel atrocities of the Russian army in the territory of Ukraine, where she was born, grew and became famous.

Video of the day, since the beginning of the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation Lorak has never voiced its position and hid from the public and removed pages on social networks. While the Russian Federation fired at peaceful Ukrainian cities and died military, women and children, Lorak was preparing for concerts in Europe, calling herself as the "most titized singer of Ukraine". In her address, Lorak suddenly stated that she praised Ukraine around the world.

“I write this letter from the bottom of my heart. I was silent for a long time, and probably it was a mistake because it was silent against me. Now I want to put all the dots over "and", to express what I really feel. Recently, my name is cynically used for various political and media manipulations. At the same time, my civic position is and remains unchanged: I love Ukraine, and my love for the Motherland has absorbed since childhood.

I was born in a wonderful Bukovyna region and believe that human patriotism is determined not by words but by actions. For 20 years of my creative activity, I praise Ukraine around the world, at various competitions and festivals, bringing awards and forming a positive image of Ukraine. My mission as an artist is to carry music, to give people joy, ”the singer wrote. In her letter, Lorak also mentioned the Right Sector, the DNR and the LNR. She also touched the topics of democracy.

“I am not a politician, and never felt ambition about it. I am sure that these two concepts cannot be mixed: artist and politics. But today politicians use my name for their dirty games. No one has the right to dictate how to love and support my country. I do not make my contribution to peace, consent, support of Ukrainian citizens to the crash of TV cameras, but as I consider it necessary and worthy. I do not ask everyone to agree with me, but I ask to respect my opinion.

Because democracy is respect for others. It is a civilized path of any democratic state, in which human life, family, peace and prosperity are considered to be the main value. Therefore, neither the DNR nor the LNR nor the Right Sector nor the "freedom" have the moral right to touch my name. They have nothing to do with me! ” She continued.