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Former General Juan Jose Zunig said that a new government would be formed in the...

Store of the Presidential Palace: Bolivia is a military coup (photo, video)

Former General Juan Jose Zunig said that a new government would be formed in the country because the country could no longer exist in that condition. In Bolivia, the military began a coup. Thus, the army units brought armored vehicles to the central Square of Murile in La Pas in front of the President of the country Luis Arsea. There is a government building on the same square. Reuters writes about it.

It is reported that the military is managed by Juan Jose Zunig, who was recently deprived of his military rank of general. "Today, the country is faced with an attempt by a coup. Today, the country is again confronted with interests aimed at democracy in Bolivia," said President Arma, while at the Presidential Palace, when armed soldiers were already externally. It is noted that the armored vehicle raised the entrance to the palace of the head of state.

At the same time, the former General Zuniga appealed to the citizens, saying that three commanders of the Armed Forces came to express our dissatisfaction with what was happening in the country. "There will be a new Cabinet of Ministers, everything will probably change, but our country cannot exist anymore. Stop destroying, stop depleting our country, stop humiliating our army," he said. The United States stated that they were watching the situation closely and called for rest and restraint.

According to journalists, tension in Bolivia increases on the eve of the general elections of 2025: the Explore of the left wing of Evo Morales plans to run against the former ally ARCE, which creates a serious split in the ruling socialist party and the wider political uncertainty. The publication writes that many citizens do not want the return of Morales, who ruled the country in 2006-2019, but was thrown against mass protests and replaced by a temporary conservative government.

Then Arce won the 2020 elections. Zuniga recently stated that Morales would not be able to return to the post of president, and threatened to block him if he tries to do so. For this, the head of state Arse removed the general from his post. Bolivia is reported to fight the economic downturn due to the depletion of the central bank reserves and pressure on local currency, as gas exports have stopped. In this case, the state has no access to the sea.

Earlier it was reported that in South Korea the plant for the production of lithium batteries burned. As a result, 22 people died. The victims were killed in a few seconds. And most of them are workers from China. Despite the new law, fatal accidents are ongoing. Also we will remind that the DPRK launched a solid fuel rocket.