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Buyers of real estate during the war changed priorities. Focus explored what par...

Repair, low floor, and nearby - shelter: what housing in the new building is looking for Ukrainians during the war

Buyers of real estate during the war changed priorities. Focus explored what parameters of new housing are interested in Ukrainians and what is no longer as important as before the war. In Ukraine, demand for apartments in new buildings is gradually increasing, but demand has not yet reached the pre -war level. The focus tells about it in the new article "Sorry, sold. What apartments are bought in new buildings and whether to expect for a price explosion".

"From the end of winter to this day, the average monthly number of transactions has increased 2. 5-3 times," said Irina Mikhalev, CMO Alliance Novobud. -In June there was a small squeezing, I think, because of the massive shelling of Kiev and undermining the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. In July. The situation has stabilized somewhat and now we have a confident increase in sales.

" Experts surveyed by focus also reported that since the beginning of the summer in Ukraine has increased investors who buy new apartments for rent for a long time or intention to sell an apartment after a while. "We have noticed the restoration of speculative demand since late May. Investors who buy real estate for further rent or resale have come to the sales departments. They are now choosing objects from developers with reputation.

It is good for the market, because it shows that investment demand Returns, "-said Anna Anisimova, Head of Investment and Analysts of Intergal-Bud. Due to the new realities related to infrastructure missile firing, new housing buyers are interested in issues of the generator and autonomous heating.

"Buyers are particularly interested in how, if previous homes and queues are handed over, the developer took care of engineering communications: whether the industrial generator was installed on the pump for water supply, elevator equipment, or provided a local point of indomitable and or whether double -purpose space was provided for, with a double -purpose space. After all, rocket shelling is new realities that are still with us, ”said the real estate survey by Victoria Bereshchak.

Irina Lukhanina, an independent real estate expert in Kyiv and the region, says that the most common buyers are interested in low floors (from the third to the eighth), the location of the house away from strategic objects, proximity to the subway, the presence of yard and parking.

In addition, priorities for buyers of the apartment in the new building - the possibility of installments, the availability of all permits and compliance with the developer of the stated timing of construction of the residential complex. Among the modern trends of the primary real estate market is the demand for apartments with repair from the developer, and also- the purchase for investments is not smart-furnace, but two- and three-room apartments.

"Buyers are interested in repair from the developer. Before the war, people ordered design projections, plan exclusive repairs, now priority repairs from the developer and as soon as possible settlement in a new apartment. Second trend: under investment earlier considered smart precision The apartment, because they plan to rent them to families. These are apartments of 60-90 meters, "-says Anna Anisimova.

We will remind, according to the head of the Board of the League of Banks of Ukraine Elena Korobkova, the level of real salaries in Ukraine, taking into account inflation, returned to the indicator of the beginning of 2022. Earlier, Focus wrote that the first stage of the Equation Program, which provides for the payment of assistance for repair damaged as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, started in May, and during this time some Ukrainians have already received assistance.