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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov met with...

The Russian Federation is looking for intermediaries for negotiations, but refuses to contact Ukraine - ISW

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov met with three politicians of Saudi Arabia, as well as with his colleagues from Brazil and India. According to analysts, the Kremlin demonstrates that it does not plan to "conscientious" negotiations on the completion of hostilities. Russian diplomats met with representatives of China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and India to create their own coalition for peace talks with Ukraine.

On the one hand, they talk about new measures of European security, on the other, they refuse to hear about compliance with international laws and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity. Analysts of the Institute for War Study (ISW) in a report published on September 9 were told about Russia's position.

Analysts analyzed the actions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov during a meeting of the Cooperation of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (RSADPZ) in Saudi Arabia on September 9. They paid attention to who he met and what he said. In particular, the diplomat participated in a joint meeting with representatives of the RSADPP member states.

The Russian interlocutors were: Secretary General of the Council Jasem Mohammed Albudava, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia by Prince Faisal Bin Farhan, the Second Prince and Prince-Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohamad Bin Salman. Lavrov explained that the purpose of communication is to create a new European -Amed Safety System, in common with the PRC.

Also, communication with the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and India was communicated: it was about the Russian-Ukrainian war, the "peace plan" of the PRC and Brazil, and other details were not reported. Publicly, the Russian diplomat once again stated that the Ukrainian formula of peace is an "ultimatum" and they do not pay attention to it. According to ISW's findings, two conclusions can be drawn from Russia's activities.

The first conclusion is that the Kremlin is looking for countries that could become intermediaries for peace talks with Ukraine. The second - in fact, the Russian authorities demonstrates that it does not plan to "fair" negotiations on the end of the war. "The Kremlin officials are likely to try to form international peaceful efforts in the war in Ukraine, while demonstrating Russia's unwillingness to participate in bona fide negotiations with Ukraine," analysts summed up.

It should be noted that on September 9, an interview with the Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Solz appeared on the ZDF portal. Sholtz touched on the issue of peace talks and the possibility of completion of the war. The first thesis he expressed: Russia must participate in the next Global Peace Summit. The second is that Ukraine will probably have to abandon the territories occupied by the Russians for peace.