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The world, named after the Gallic God of War, has a composition and density that...

"Metal God of War": Astronomers found water on a mysterious planet and another surprise

The world, named after the Gallic God of War, has a composition and density that challenges models of planets. Astronomers have found the presence of water in the atmosphere of a very hot planet, which is one of the most metallic worlds among known. How this planet has arisen remains a mystery that can be solved by a new opening. The results of the study are published on the Arxiv preprint server, Space writes. The planet in the atmosphere of which was found water is called HD 149026 B.

It is also called deaths in honor of the Gallic god of war. This world rotates at a distance of approximately 6. 4 million km from its native star HD 149026. The orbital period of the planet is less than three earthly days. For comparison, the Earth rotates around the sun at a distance of about 150 million km and its orbital period is 365 days. Drutorrios is about 247 light years from Earth, and it is about 25% smaller than Jupiter, and therefore belongs to the hot Saturn.

The planet is always turned one side to its star, where the temperature reaches 1420 degrees Celsius. Only a little cooler on the other side of the planet. But the density and composition of the planet HD 149026 B, found 19 years ago, make this world really strange. It is one of the richest metal planets and one of the most dense gas giants that are known to scientists. We remind that astronomers call metals all chemical elements that are heavier than hydrogen and helium.

As new observations made with the Space Telescope Webb, the planet's metallicity, that is, the ratio of metals and hydrogen, is much higher than in most hot Saturn and greater hot Jupiters. This ratio is also much greater than that of the gas giants of the solar system - Jupiter and Saturn. It is believed that metals are inversely proportional to the masses of gas giants. This means that the larger the gas giant becomes, the less metals it should be. Drutorrios challenges this theory.

Astronomers also found that the planet has an abnormally large solid nucleus, so its density is so high. According to scientists, the composition of the planet is incompatible with the current theories of the formation of hot gas giants, and this remains a mystery. Although the new discovery can help you solve it. When observing the atmosphere of the planet HD 149026 b with the help of ground telescopes, astronomers found that it contains signs of water vapor.

According to astronomers, assuming that oxygen in the atmosphere of hot gas giants such as deaths, more than carbon, means that water and carbon monoxide are two most common types of indicators that can explain the nature of this atmosphere. And so you can understand the history of the planet formation. The detection of water in the atmosphere of this gas giant is the first step to solving its secret. But there was another surprise that raised the planet HD 149026 astronomers.

Usually, hot gas giants are observed with one side facing the star and the one that is always facing space, the difference between the hemispheres creates extremely fast atmospheric winds. Their speed can reach 8000 km/h. Usually, these winds blow from the so -called daytime on the night, because the winds on most other planets move from high temperatures to low -temperatures. But on the planet HD 149026 b, the winds blow in the opposite direction, on the night on the day.

So far, astronomers are considering several options why this is happening. As the focus has already wrote, for the first time they found a place where people can live. The underground cave is located there, where for the first time astronauts of the Apollo-11 mission landed on the moon. Focus also wrote about what consequences can expect on the Earth if a black hole with a mass is larger than that of the sun.