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During the six -month captivity, Maryani Mamonova had to sleep on the floor. The...

"Wanted to pick up a baby": a released medicine told about the threats of the Russians (photo)

During the six -month captivity, Maryani Mamonova had to sleep on the floor. The invaders were deprived of a pregnant serviceman access to healthy food and fresh air. The released military medical medicine from Azovash Maryana Mamonova told how pregnant was in Russian captivity and about the threats of picking up her newborn baby. About it writes the BBC.

The Ukrainian medicine was surrounded by Mariupol at the beginning of a full -scale invasion, and two weeks earlier learned what was expecting a baby. It was one of the greatest fears to be captured, but one day the car of the Maryana battalion and its brothers was stopped by the Russian military and reported that they were captured by the Russian Federation from that moment. "I returned to the guys with whom she was, and said," Say we were not captured.

Tell us that they do not take prisoners! " Mamonov and her colleagues were transferred to the warehouse for three days, and then sent to the Olenovsky prison in the occupied territory of Ukraine. For the doctor, it was the beginning of a six -month test, during which a pregnant woman slept on the floor and was deprived of access to healthy food and fresh air.

During the interrogations, Mariana was intimidated and threatened, and at one point was not allowed to use the toilet when she was already in the ninth month of pregnancy. In addition, the defender was most afraid that her baby would be born in captivity and will be taken away by the Russians. Once captured, the pregnant Ukrainian also was interrogated by the Russian military.

"He said that if I do not answer the way he needs, he will send me to the camp in Russia, and my baby will be taken away," Mamonov admits. During the superhuman conditions of captivity in captivity, the girl's medical education gave her the confidence that pregnancy was developing normally. "We lived in a small room for six people, but there were 40 women," the medicine says. In particular, Maryana was later transferred to an even smaller room where she slept on the wooden pallet on the floor.

Already in the seventh month of pregnancy, she was allowed to go outside to breathe fresh air. In July, the medicine was taken to the ultrasound, where she first saw her baby and burst into tears, because she was soon to be born, and the further fate of the baby was still unknown. Subsequently, Mamonova got into the maternity ward in Donetsk. At that time, there was a hope for the exchange of prisoners, which was subsequently canceled.

However, at the end of September, they still gave the green light for partial liberation of Ukrainian defenders. A pregnant medicine also got into the lists. On September 25, 2022, Maryana Mamonova gave birth to an Anna girl in the Volyn medical institution. The child weighed 3. 2 kg and was quite healthy. "I am used to the fact that I have a little child who has completely changed my life," Mariana's BBC admits.