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The units that set up the north of Kharkiv region had about a dozen mortars of 8...

Breakthrough of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to Kharkiv: Extramondir 125 Brigades Troy explained why they lost their positions

The units that set up the north of Kharkiv region had about a dozen mortars of 82 mm caliber, and it was their most serious weapons, said 125 Troy Arthur Gorbenko's eccosider. In addition, at some point, mechanized battalions with armored vehicles were taken away from the border. During the breakthrough of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near Kharkiv, which occurred on May 10-15, the defense line kept four battalions of defense forces.

In the first few hours, they retreated from standpoint. The details of the events that led to the penetration of Russian troops by 10 km, the eccount 125 of the territorial defense brigade, Lieutenant General Arthur Gorbenko told "Ukrainian Truth". The journalists first explained that the 125 Lviv Brigade has held positions near Kharkiv since May 2023. There were two of the five battalions that are part of the unit.

There were two more battalions nearby, which were subordinated to the brigade-the shooting battalions of the 23rd TRI (415) brigade, the 120th Vinnytsia Brigade of TRO (172) and others. He was commanded by this shade Arthur Gorbenko, who acted under the leadership of the then head of Khortytsia, Lieutenant General Yuri Sodol. Gorbenko described the situation in Kharkiv region and stated that the front line was kept up to 10 fighters per kilometer in the absence of some types of weapons.

"The battalions did everything possible and impossible. But to keep the front, when you have 6-8 people per kilometer - just unrealistic," he said. Gorbenko name is two main problems that have deteriorated during the breakthrough of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The first problem is the completeness of the TRO brigades: there were few people, while someone fought, and someone did not have that experience. The second problem is the weapon that the fighters had, too limited.

The commander explained that the battalions, which sent the border in Kharkiv region, were before fighting on the hot shades of the front - under Kreminna and Bakhmut. They reached only 50% and 60%. In Vinnytsia battalions, the number of people was 70%, but they did not have combat experience. Another problem is the nature of weapons in Terrobron. According to Gorbenko, they should fight 82 mm mortars - and this is the "most powerful weapon", which can be according to a staffing list.

His brigade had a mortar battery (2-3 platoons and 2-6 guns), while the shooting battalions had only two mortars in one platoon. "And here such battalions, not equipped, without heavy weapons, met the massive shelling and attack of the enemy in the morning on May 10," the journalists heard. The ecquandyr confirmed that he and the above command knew about the accumulation of living power and equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation before the offensive.

However, a year before, when the first signs of exacerbation appeared, mechanized parts were taken from the border. According to him, when he tried to create a platoon with mortars 120 mm, they were simply not given to him. "The number of forces and means that were at the disposal of the team commander was not enough to keep the defense during such an offensive," the 125 TRO brigade emphasized.

It should be noted that the breakthrough of Russian troops in Kharkiv region became known in the morning on May 10. Frames from the scene showed that the enemy reached a 5 km tanks for several hours. Subsequently, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the depth of penetration - up to 10 km. The Russians reached Vovchansk and began street battles. Meanwhile, to the north of Kharkiv units of the Armed Forces, the Russian Federation was slowed down under Liptsi and deep.

After that, it became known about the opening of criminal proceedings by investigators of the DBR, and Gorbenko ceased to be the commander of the 125 Brigade of TRO. Focus wrote about the current situation on the front of the front near Kharkiv. For example, on July 19, Bild Military Viewer Julian Ryopke spoke about the reconciliation of several streets in the northern outskirts of Volchansk. In addition, there are fighting in the deep: Ukrainian soldiers managed to move the enemy back up to 5 km.