41.44 UAH ▲0.41%
46.24 UAH ▲1.69%
55.05 UAH ▲2.23%
10.84 UAH ▲2.44%
1.84 UAH ▲1.88%
According to the National Bank, the shortage of qualified and unskilled workers ...

Vacancies more than before the war: As the labor market changes in 2024

According to the National Bank, the shortage of qualified and unskilled workers is increasing in Ukraine. In Ukraine, the number of new vacancies has increased in the labor market since the beginning of 2024, there were more than 2021, that is, a full -scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the number of resumes is significantly less than 2022-2023. This is evidenced by the data of the macroeconomic and monetary inspection of the National Bank of Ukraine.

The National Bank explained why such changes occurred. "This may indicate that the business has been largely adapted to military conditions and needs staff to further restore activity. Instead, labor supply is limited by migration and mobilization," the review said. Also, as noted in the NBU, the situation in the labor market can take away that job seekers have found it or refused to search for personal circumstances.

According to the survey, most of the population has a job, and the number of people without work has significantly decreased compared to the start of a full -scale war. Thus, at the beginning of 2024, according to polls, the enterprises further noted the increased deficit of both qualified and unskilled workers. In order to cope with this problem, employers are more likely to attract populations that have previously been out of labor. For example, according to the work of work.

ua, the number of vacancies for veterans has tripled between January 2022 and January 2024, pensioners-twice, people with disabilities-by 22%. "At the same time, the number of IT professionals was declining: according to DUO, in January 2024, their number was 81. 8 thousand-12% less than in January 2023,"-said in the review of the National Bank of Ukraine. Meanwhile, according to the State Statistics Service, the highest salaries are received by employees in information and telecommunications.