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In 2015, Oleksandr Makhnev swayed on social networks award, which he received fr...

The former student-physicist of Kiev Polytechnic develops drones for the army of the Russian Federation-investigation

In 2015, Oleksandr Makhnev swayed on social networks award, which he received from the hands of scientist Mikhail Zgurovsky and the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma. However, the Ukrainian has already graduated from the Moscow Physics and Technical Institute. The designing bureau "Strati", which works on the Russian army and collects drones, founded after the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation former manager of "Rostekh" Ivan Bezhanov.

A nuclear physicist originally from Lugansk, who has been educated in the Kiev Polytees, Alexander Makhnev is the main designer of the bureau. This is stated in the investigation "Important History". Journalists found that Makhnev lived in Lugansk until 2014. His father Igor Makhnev is a scientist in the field of nuclear instrumentation. Alexander began to do science at school and even got to the book "Inventors of Ukraine - the elite of the state".

After the occupation, the Lugansk family moved to Kiev, where the guy graduated from the Lyceum of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Sikorsky. And in 2015 he joined the KPI on the program "Radioelectronic machines". In the prohibited social network "VKontakte" he wrote that he was glad to receive the award from the hands of the Ukrainian scientist Mikhail Zgurovsky and the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma.

The guy continued his studies in the magistracy of the Russian Moscow Physics and Technical Institute (MFTI). After that, Makhnev worked at the Nuclear Research Institute in Trinity. In 2022, an article was published in The European Physical Journal, one of the co -authors of which was listed Makhnev - in the Russian team at the CERN Geneva Experiment (European Nuclear Research Organization). In the summer, he joined the team. He is known to manage the KB engineering team.

Journalists also noticed him at one of the video from the exhibition "Dronnitsa 2023" in Greater Novgorod, where "Stratim" represented the first samples of his own production - Makhnev organized the company's stand. The founder of the KB Bezhanov, without naming the name, spoke about the chief designer of the bureau that he was "one of the scientists who worked on the project of the Great Hadron Collider in the CERN.

" Makhnev himself, at the request of journalists, to tell about the production of drones and did not respond to CERN. He said it was "publicly linked a few aspects of life" that he "tries not to combine. " Instead, CERN stated that their "activity is aimed at peaceful fundamental research" and there is "no military aspect" in it. They assured that in 2022 they stopped cooperation with the Russian Federation and Belarus.