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Valentina Khamaiko, Natalka Denysenko, Masha Efrosinina, Darya Leyda and Yevgeny...

Anger, fear, hope and love: As their loved ones from the war are Ukrainian stars (photos)

Valentina Khamaiko, Natalka Denysenko, Masha Efrosinina, Darya Leyda and Yevgeny Gapchinskaya told their love stories and hope. In all these women, men are fighting with Russian invaders. Ukrainian shows of show business also worry and worry, waiting for their boys and men who are fighting in the Armed Forces from the front. Focus has collected the stories of several "star" Ukrainian women whose close men are now protecting Ukraine from Russian invaders.

The presenter "Breakfast with 1+1" Valentina Hamayko on the front is Andrey Onistrat. In the war zone, the man followed his eldest son Orest, whom the Russian invaders were killed in the summer of 2023. Valentina told reporters "Facts" that the man did not consult with her when he decided to go to defend Ukraine, so on February 25, 2022 he went to the military enlistment office of Solomenskiy district. And he mobilized in August of that year.

"The only thing he told me" How can I not go? Ostap serves. Sooner or late my sons will ask me the question: where did you? - the Ukrainian TV presenter explained the situation. Hamayko noted that when a man came home, she feels him changed his war. Therefore, the woman tries to invest in developing relationships with a loved one and developing them. Natalia Denysenko is a Ukrainian actress of theater, cinema and dubbing, a speaker, a director and a TV presenter.

It is known to Ukrainians for the work in the films and series "When the past ahead", "The tale of the old miller", "Age of Jacob", "Kriposna", "Village for a million". On April 1, 2017, she married actor Andrei Fedinchyk, who was remembered by the Ukrainians for his role in the movie "Kruty 1918". In 2022, with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the man immediately replenished the ranks of Terroboron Zhytomyr.

The series "serfs" recently confessed that she had an intimacy with her husband in order to maintain their relationship at a distance. "We had a period of sex online and all of these erotic correspondence. For as a woman with a man can maintain relationships at a distance? It is clear that many could be difficult for many if there was no such strong emotional attachment before. But we and I and I Andrew tried a lot, "Natalka Denysenko said.

The artist added that even now, when her husband Andrei Fedinchyk comes home, she pays him all her attention, even cancels the work to be near him. The man of the presenter - businessman Timur Khromaev - at the front since 2022. He went into the army with a volunteer. The Timur unit is engaged in radio electronic struggle. On Thursday, February 14, on her page on the social network Instagram, Efrosinina posted a post dedicated to her husband.

It turns out that exactly 22 years ago the couple confessed to each other in love. The TV presenter also told about what feelings she feels for her husband. "I get angry that you left me with my children and problems . . . And at the same time I am proud of your decision to go to defend your country and us. I hate that when you are in Kiev, you are constantly on phones and in part . . .

and at the same time I am quietly glad, because thanks to yours with the team success, you are now summoned to the unit, and we can go on a date again, "Efrosinina wrote. The artist's husband Dmitry Sova, known to the Ukrainians for the role in the ribbon "Village for Million", was at the front in the fall of 2023. The artist told in an interview with Kp. ua that he went with his father -in -law to the military enlistment office at the beginning of a full -scale war.

Then they were handed the summons and told to wait. The actor told that they did not sit, putting their hands. Dmitry engaged in volunteering and then served in TRO. Finally, the artist went to the military enlistment office again. When they found out what his military specialty was, they said that he would be called soon. In June, Dmitry was called to the service. By the way, according to Owl, Daria Leyda herself wanted to become a military physician. "Dasha is actively volunteering.

Three times a week with girls help in hospitals wounded. They communicate with boys, carry products. Most often at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology," the actor said. Dmitry Hapchinsky has served in the Armed Forces from February 24, 2022. In November 2023, the Ukrainian artist told that her beloved husband was injured. Now he is in the hospital: the man was torn the brush, three fragments got into his back.

In Kharkiv, Dmitry has already done the first operation - transplanted the skin from his feet to hand. The second surgical intervention was done in Kiev. The artist told reporters that her husband did nothing about the war. She also confessed to the moment that was most creepy for her. Then Dmitry came home and left things for washing. "When he came after the first rotation, the worst thing was the smell. When he came and dropped everything near the washing machine, I had hair. The smell was scary.

There was the smell of dead people, burning. It was the worst," said Eugene. We will remind, earlier we wrote about which of the Ukrainian stars continues to use Russian and how they explain it. Oleksandr Kryvoshapko, Ivan Dorn and Vera Brezhnev, with the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, tried to completely switch to Ukrainian in communication and creativity. However, the stars gradually returned to the Russian language.