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The younger son of Ramzan Kadyrov Adam fell raining awards. Journalist Vadim Den...

Kadyrov is preparing for Putin's death. As Chechnya's head strengthens the position of the clan

The younger son of Ramzan Kadyrov Adam fell raining awards. Journalist Vadim Denysenko analyzes this situation, finding that nothing is happening, just continues to strengthen the power of the clan in the Caucasus. Why Adam Kadyrov so many awards? There are many myths and nonsense about Chechnya in general.

I suggest more realistically to look at what Chechnya and Cadirov for Russians are in the last sociological study, which was conducted by the Ukrainian Institute of the Future together with "New Image Marketing Group", a separate block of questions concerned Chechnya. The figures below are important for understanding how the Russians perceive Chechens and Kadyrov.

When asked "Do you agree with the fact that the Kremlin does not control the situation in Chechnya?" 34% of respondents answered the affirmatively, 53% did not agree and 13% did not answer (read - they are afraid to answer, so they can be partially added to those who doubt the Kremlin's ability to control this territory).

At the same time, the question "Is Kadyrov a patriot of Russia?" 36% answered the affirmatively, 18% think that he uses Russia, 32% believes that he and the patriot and at the same time use Russia, and 14% refused to answer. And finally, the question "did the Chechens give up the idea of ​​separating from Russia?" 33% answered the affirmatively, 46% noted that the Chechens wanted to separate, and 21% of respondents did not answer.

Simply put, there are approximately 40% of Russians who consider Chechnya a stranger to the Russian body, and another 60% believe that everything is "followed by plan". It should be understood that in Russia there was a consensus on this issue. And this consensus is reduced to the phrase: "Putin thinks that it is necessary, so, it is necessary. " And while Kadyrov sits in Chechnya and deals with the awarding of his children, the situation in the republic will be of interest to anyone.

Everyone is well aware that in Putin's political life, there will be no third Chechen war. That is why the Russians are mostly bursting at what is happening in Chechnya.

Adam Kadyrov's award and everything that happens around this (in particular, the removal of a textbook of history written by ex-Minister of Education Vladimir Medinsky, because Chechens were mentioned in the textbook next to the "Bandera" in the part of the deportation of peoples in the USSR, and and A further visit to Chechnya Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov, who personally presented Kadyrov "corrected" textbook) is made with the tacit consent of Putin.

Or, to be more accurate, Putin's silent "not ban". In Russia, a situation has been a long time when in many teasing cases, Putin says neither "yes" nor "no". The same officials themselves, as if on a minefield, decide what is allowed and what is not. Adam Kadyrov's current awards are just from this series. Putin is silent, Kadyrov was activated, officials, within the limits of his modest intellectual and behind -the -scenes abilities, do what they do.

Although we have a little remark here: Rais Tatarstan's apology for Azat Khamaev, who was indignant with the fact that the 15-year-old son of Kadyrov became the hero of the republic in fact for beating a man, was dictated from Moscow . . . It is written on the go. What can be said for sure is that all these stories with orders are not and cannot be "vassal agreements of leaders of certain republics. " These leaders are vassals of the Kremlin, depend on the Kremlin and will depend on the Kremlin.

So it is more about Kadyrov's personal relationships than some kind of games. So, for example, Melikov in Dagestan does not distribute the orders of Adam, Pushilin, which is now a problem with the control of Mariupol (the city is in many ways controlled by Chechen), trying to publicly avoid any comments on the awarding of the son Kadyrov. And those leaders of the Russian regions, who have a friendly relationship with Kadyrov, are awarded Adam without problems.

What is the purpose of Kadyrov in all this operetta? There are at least two. The first is quite banal. Like the 15 -year -old Adam, he shows everyone that he plans to rule for at least the next ten years and health will allow him. At the same time, Kadyrov cannot help but understand that 10 years is too long not only for him but also for Putin.

Therefore, on the one hand, he tries to create such a base for possible transfer of power, and the other - closes with sons and more distant relatives all key positions in the republic. Ramzan Kadyrov remembers perfectly how he had to wait for his appointment some time after his father's death, as he did not allow him to immediately take this position.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the Constitution of Chechnya during a year or two and to prepare the possibility of instantly transferring power. Of course, reality always makes its amendments, but it, like any dictator, thinks the ideal categories. And, equally important for understanding the processes, Kadyrov knows that Putin will not oppose it. The second reason is an attempt to make yourself indispensable in the case of transit of power.

Let me remind you that Putin 71 years and a number of Russian politicians have already started thinking about the transit of power and its role in this transit. Kadyrov has long been trying to become the "chief Muslim" of Russia. Due to his mentality and intellectual abilities, he invented nothing better for the active phase to establish his semi -formal leadership than the beating of the crane. In a pre -trial detention center. Again, all this happens with the silent consent of Putin.

So Kadyrov will go as far as he will be allowed. Adam becomes an important figure in this game because it is also one of the symbols of Muslim protection. Paradoxically, the answer to the question is very simple: "Nothing new. " The purpose of Kadyrov is clear and he will go to her. He believes that he has a year and a half for this reserve.

The war makes Kadyrov largely indispensable, the level of trust in it is 61%, the Russians consider it the second largest warlord of this war (18%), above it with 19%only Prigogine. The task of Kadyrov is not to lose this level of trust and to prove to everyone that without his clan Caucasus, which is not going to separate nowhere now, can start thinking about the department after Putin's death. Therefore, the parade of the awards for Adam, if not stopped by Putin himself, will continue.