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The experience of the Great War in Ukraine gives Western allies ideas and time t...

NATO is working out a rapid overturning of the US troops to the east of Europe. Is the Alliance ready for war with Russia

The experience of the Great War in Ukraine gives Western allies ideas and time to prepare for the reflection of the attack of the Russian Federation. The main emphasis on NATO military exercises is on the rapid deployment of military contingents, as Russia is capable of any operation in the Alliance, considers military analysts interviewed by focus.

NATO's military leadership develops scenarios of numerous "land corridors" for rapid transfer of US troops and armored vehicles in the event of a major termination war with Russia in Europe. It is expected that soldiers from the United States will land in one of the five European ports, the sources of the British edition of The Telegraph said. The first landing point - ports of the Netherlands, will then be distributed by trains heading to Germany and Poland.

Other routes to guarantee the integrity of land communications are being developed in parallel. According to the head of the NATO material and technical supply command, Lieutenant General Alexander Solfranko, the North Atlantic Alliance has mastered the experience of confronting Ukraine and Russia. Logistics channels suffer from Russian long -range missiles, first of all, he noted.

If NATO troops in the Netherlands or ports of Northern Europe are subject to Russian bombing, the Alliance will switch attention to ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey. From the Italian ports, the American contingent can be thrown into land through Slovenia and Croatia in Hungary. A similar transfer of forces from Turkish and Greek ports can be made through Bulgaria and Romania.

The problem is to provide air defense systems to cover the ways: NATO has only 5% of the necessary means of protecting the eastern flank. "Huge logistics bases, as in Afghanistan and Iraq, are more impossible. In the first stage of hostilities, they will be destroyed," Salfrank stressed. European and US military analyzes the situation and build forecasts based on the most unfavorable scenarios. Everyone is preparing for the worst - direct contact with Russia and Belarus.

In the event of an attack of two countries on Poland or Lithuania, it will be late to equip "land corridors", it will think in a conversation with focus the Deputy Director of the Center for Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament Michael Samus. "If we agree with the thesis about the zero probability of the collision of the Russian Federation and NATO, then we can dissolve the armed forces? So the European countries have been thinking in recent decades.

The number of armies has been left at a minimum, and the capabilities of the MIC was reduced to ten missiles a year," the analyst says. Samus reminds that in the European Union there is a project called "Military Schengen", launched to reduce the European bureaucracy during the movement of military, equipment and weapons. The possibility of rapid deployment of military contingents, their further provision is the foundation for the Alliance's defense capability.

"Since the Cold War, NATO has lost the ability to rapidly transfer military infrastructure. The departure of the Italian army to the Czech Republic has required approval almost at the level of national parliaments. In combat, this procedure is impossible," Samus explains. Most NATO General Chiefs are confident in a possible contact with Russia. The forecasts differ in terms of two to eight years.

Based on the realities, the Allies decided to support Ukraine with weapons to restrain the Russian Federation and strengthen the Eastern Flang of NATO, says the head of the Center for Military Legal Research Alexander Musienko. Some event plans can be stretched in time - up to five years.

The scenario of the attack on Poland through Belarus is seriously elaborated, the latter will give its territory to the aggressor as a bridgehead for the development of invasion, as it was with Ukraine in the initial phase of the Great War of 2022. "The primary threat to Russia comes to the Baltic countries, in particular, Lithuania," Musienko emphasizes. Russia is able to perform any operation and NATO should be prepared.

All exercises in the North Atlantic Alliance are aimed at developing troops, as well as imitating the reflection of Russian aggression, sums up Michael Samus. Recall that the commander-in-chief of Norway Armed Forces Eirik Christoffersen believes that NATO should have time to prepare for the probable attack of the Russian Federation in the next two to three years. The industrial base in Russia will allow it to recover quickly for a conventional war, the military says.