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Ukrainian engineers modernize domestic ammunition, following the example of Russ...

Ukrainian cabin against Russian Fabs: Will new bombs change the situation at the front in favor of the Armed Forces

Ukrainian engineers modernize domestic ammunition, following the example of Russian airbombs with UMPC modules. The deficit of Western analogues is pushed to search for decisions, but military experts are convinced that the idea is late for 10 years. The focus understood the novelty of Ukrainian technology and whether it was able to change the course of battles. The Ukrainian Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) has begun the creation of corrective aviation (CA).

Experts pick up their wings, management modules and GPS, and in a few weeks the first Ukrainian bombs protest, said the Air Force Command Head of the Armed Forces Sergey Golubtsov. Ukraine is trying to respond to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which daily produces managed airboms at the positions of the Armed Forces on the front and in the rear cities.

The intensity of the strikes of the Russians is estimated at 3 thousand pieces per month, at the end of May 2024 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It is likely that in June the figure will reach 3. 5 thousand. Fugas airbombs with universal planning and correction modules (UMPCs) in service of Russia's Armed Forces increase the radius of action and accuracy of heavy bombs Fab-250, Fab-500 and Fab-1500.

And in March 2024 it became known that at the enterprise "53rd Arsenal" began to produce high-power bombs Fab-3000. The military of the Armed Forces is used by Western Aircraft: GBU-39 and GBU-62 of different calibers with penetrating and cassette combat units. Golubtsov notes that the complexity in the production of the CA is to choose the optimal shape of the wings and configuration for the system of guidance and the block of counteraction to the stations of the IIT.

A copy of the Russian variants of the UMPC is impossible because Ukrainian aviation operates in more difficult conditions. Russian planes can fly away from the front line to reset the ammunition. Russian analysts have already recognized the danger of corrected aircraft of Ukrainian production, assuming that they will be used with Western fighters. Correction and withdrawing the image of the goals to the satellites will be carried out by allies of the event.

"The wings of Ukraine can come up with, launches launched from fighters are quite expensive, so there is a need for a more budgetary solution. Our pilots and air defense specialists will become more work," the propagandists say. In fact, it is about improving the Soviet heritage of airbots remaining in the reserves of the Armed Forces.

Projects for the establishment of correction modules for bombs were offered by the air forces of Ukraine 10 years ago, and Russia brought to the front what Ukraine at one time missed, explains the director of the information and consulting company Defense Express Sergey Zgurets. According to the expert, the use of Ukrainian Cabas would be more effective in the initial phase of a full -scale war with Russia.

Currently, confrontation is complicated: Russians have acquired air defense systems and HRs that are able to reflect the attack and reduce the efficiency of such shells. The best option for the Armed Forces in terms of accuracy and effectiveness of the lesion is the "smart" American bombs Jadm and French AASM Hammer weighing 250 and 1000 kilograms. Ammunition is more resilient for Russian Reb than national achievements of the MIC.

It should also be borne in mind that if the Russian UPMC is dropped from a height of 10 kilometers and flies up to 50 kilometers. In the case of dropping from a height of 12 kilometers, the target lesions increase to 60 kilometers. The Armed Forces will not raise the planes to such height. French and American bombs are produced at a much lower altitude, so as not to get into the area of ​​Russian radars, a military expert says. The range of Ukrainian ammunition can be limited to 30 kilometers.

The revised Soviet bombs will not turn into the main way of increasing the firing power of the Armed Forces. With their help, you can attack the enemy's position as a supplement, in the conditions of suppression of Russian air defense systems and aviation, summarizes Zgurets. We will remind, on June 8 the Russian army hit the managed aviation bombs at the school in the village of Khoimlya Kharkiv region. As a result, one person was killed, another local resident was hospitalized.