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The statements about the desire to restore peace negotiations are trying to dive...

Declaring readiness for negotiations, Russia is trying to win time to prepare for the continuation of invading policy on Ukraine - Mikhail Podolyak

The statements about the desire to restore peace negotiations are trying to divert the attention of Ukraine and the world community to win time to prepare for the continuation of the implementation of invading policy. This was emphasized by the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak in an interview with the Internet edition of Wirtualna Polska. “The big agreement on war and peace is impossible because Russia is not interested in it.

The Kremlin believes that Ukraine should be erased from the face of the land. Also, they intend to Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan. They want to dictate to Europe the rules of the game. There are no peace in these plans, ”he said. “Yes, Russia wants peace talks. However, it is not a sincere offer, but a trap. Because it is not about the cessation of war, but about strengthening their positions.

She wants to consolidate territorial achievements as she is at the top of military opportunities, ”added the head of the office head of the head of state. He noted that for the same purpose, Russia arranges an energy blackmail of Europe, hoping that lack of gas in the case of a harsh winter would reduce our country's support from the EU. “Suppose Ukraine will agree and sit at the negotiation table with Russia. There is a truce.

At that time, Russia is nominating an ultimatum: Ukraine must recognize the front line of the front with a new border. Of course, we do not agree to the annexation of four of our areas. The fighting is restored. Then Russian propaganda spreads in Europe: Look, the war is over, but Ukraine attacks again. They make us the initiators of a new stage of war, ”Mikhail Podolyak explained.

In his opinion, in Europe may not understand the true motives of the aggressor, since there was a long idea that Russia is a good partner with huge resource potential. Including it in one economic space should strengthen security in the region. However, the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office is convinced that Europe and in particular the German political elite will transform their views on the issue of the Russian Federation and cooperate with it.

He noted that German Chancellor Olaf Scholt is gradually changing the country's political course, although he does it very delicately. “Of course, we would like Germany to accelerate the supply of weapons. Time for us is the most important. The earlier and the more weapons we get, the less our losses will be. However, Germany is in a clear pro -Ukrainian position today, ”Mikhail Podolyak stated.

At the same time, he noted that, seeking to mitigate his attitude to himself as a toxic country, Russia agrees to steps such as the conclusion of a grain export agreement. The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office reminded that this document was signed not between Ukraine and Russia, but between Ukraine, Turkey and the UN, and separately between Russia, Turkey and the United Nations. “Everyone had an interest in this.

Therefore, this treaty was signed, ”he stated, and noted that Turkey was interested in unblocking trade routes in the Black Sea and influencing grain supply to the world market, increasing its weight in the region, and the United Nations sought to avoid hunger in Africa, which provokes a new wave of refugees to Europe. Russia has retained its position in African countries that are neutral or supporting a war against Ukraine.

“So, in order to avoid accusations of hunger in allied countries, Russia has signed this agreement. So she also gained a better position at the UN, ”said Mikhail Podolyak. In this context, the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office stressed that it is extremely important for the Kremlin that international organizations use the word "Russia" in a positive context.

"He understands that a direct propaganda based on slogans like" We have the right to invade, murder and destruction "does not act in Western societies. Russia is more profitable when international organizations say: "Not everything is unambiguous," Mikhail Podolyak is convinced. According to him, the war in Ukraine demonstrated that many international organizations are unable to do the work for which they have been created.

In particular, the adviser to the Presidential Office mentioned the report of Amnesty International (AI). “We believe that AI deliberately created propaganda material in the interests of the Russian Federation. The released report justifies the invasion of Ukraine and the genocide that Russia is in front of the world, ”he stressed, and reported that our state intends to take legal measures to prevent such conscious provocations in the future.

According to Mikhail Podolyak, Amnesty International has discredited itself, and an international investigation of this organization with Russia should be conducted. He also recalled that the International Committee of the Red Cross, which is mediator in all armed conflicts and should ensure compliance with international conventions, does not respond to the murder of Ukrainian prisoners of war in occupied Olenivka in Donetsk region.

“We know how Russia treats Ukrainian prisoners - hunger, does not provide medical care. Unfortunately, we cannot influence it because no one will allow us. But there are international organizations for this purpose. They should require access to the prisoners. They should be alarmed that Russia is mocking, rapes and kills. But these organizations remain passive, they are silent. The Red Cross is no exception, ”said adviser to the Presidential Office Head.

In his opinion, in the occupied Olenivka the Russians wanted to hide the traces of torture, which were subjected to "Azov". And having accused Ukraine of shelling of the colony, the Russians sought to undermine trust in Ukraine and show that international conventions violate not only they. “We know that there was no rocket shelling nor a shelling there. The explosion occurred inside the building. Two days before, prisoners of war were settled there.

Of the several thousand people in the colony, only they were affected. It was a deliberate execution, ”said Mikhail Podolyak. “Terror is a Russian military strategy. Social networks are all the time a video of torture and ill -treatment of the Ukrainian military. The Russians shoot in the neighborhoods of our cities. Kharkiv, Nikolaev, Odesa, Kyiv . . . want to panic, ”he added.

By committing such atrocities and disseminating information about them, the Russians seek to intimidate Ukrainians, in particular the defenders of our country, but the effect of such actions is the opposite. Ukrainians rally in the fight against the enemy. “They hope that our society, frightened by a brutal war, will begin to be completed on Russian conditions. The Kremlin does not understand what Ukraine is, who are Ukrainians.