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Citizens of Ukraine will not be able to pay money on their own to obtain protect...

Mobilization reservation: who will be able to "redeem" from conscription in the Armed Forces (video)

Citizens of Ukraine will not be able to pay money on their own to obtain protection against mobilization, explained by MP Dmitry Natalukha. The list of candidates will be determined not by the state, but every individual employer. MPs, together with entrepreneurs, plan to clarify the details of mobilization in Ukraine and the issues of booking. Parliamentarians propose to exclude the state from the process of determining the persons who will be protected from conscription in the Armed Forces.

Dmitry Natalukha, the chairman of the Committee on Economic Development, was told at the Verkhovna Rada of the Verkhovna Rada, the head of the Committee on Economic Development. Natalukha explained that today the protection against mobilization in Ukraine is guided by two resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers - №76 (January 27, 2023) and No. 45 (January 23, 2023). Both regulations describe the procedure by which some Ukrainian companies were able to become "strategic" and protect employees.

People's Deputies propose a bill according to which employers will not be in contact with a state that should recognize "strategic" and "criticality". Instead, there will be a process that the portal journalist called "social injustice" and "redemption from the army. " It should be noted that the Verkhovna Rada portal does not yet have the text of the bill on new opportunities for delay in mobilization in Ukraine. There is only an explanation of the MPs in the media and the government.

The People's Deputy mentioned two Ukrainian companies that first received protection for employees, and then the Ministry of Economy canceled it. He explained that the companies met the criteria that the state identified in two Cabinet resolutions on mobilization in Ukraine. "These two structures were recognized as strategic by certain criteria. And, of course, the population has a logical question, and why these companies suddenly turned out to be strategic," the politician said.

The proposal of parliamentarians is to remove the state from the booking process. Instead, employers will pay a certain amount of funds (UAH 20 thousand per month) and protect the most necessary employees, Natalukha explained. "We for this purpose and removed any criteria and put it solely at the discretion of the employer and in fact made it impossible to pay for myself. I understand that there will be counter-arguments about abuse.

But the idea of ​​economic reservation is that it is independent of your position or your post or wages, "he said. The journalist noted that under such conditions, when mobilizing in Ukraine, some businesses will be able to "redeem" all 100% of employees. The Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development did not explain how to evaluate this situation. The current mobilization laws indicate who is entitled to protection against the conscription as of May 2024.

The list includes employees of state institutions and local authorities, as well as media and cultural spheres. In addition, according to certain seven criteria, an enterprise may be on a list of critical or strategically important in mobilization in Ukraine. In this case, up to 50% of employees can be booked, all of them have to work officially and are on military registration at the territorial centers.