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How to put Russians in place: Tips from Estonia President

"Do not threaten us with scripts of terrible disasters in case of refusal to help you financially. This is called blackmail or extortion. Before discussing some Marshall Plan for Russia, Ukraine should be restored. You will have to become part of these efforts. And you will not have the right to vote ". Opinion. We. We are from Ukraine 1. Stop being so self -righteous. Do not talk about the Marshall Plan for Russia When those who have to finance it, read new atrocities in Ukraine daily. 2.

Do not call the Western people the Nazis for not wanting the Russians to go to their countries. We have seen too much bad behavior, attacks and even violence against Ukrainian refugees and graffiti from Z on the walls of millennial cathedrals to endure it. 3. Do not threaten us with scripts of terrible disasters in case of refusal to help you financially. This is called blackmail or extortion. No one likes when he is demanding money. 4. Show a little responsibility and repentance for Russia's crimes.

"It was not us" does not work when we all know that Liberal # 1 called Georgian "rodents" and justified the annexation of Crimea. 5. Condemn the war against Ukraine. (Always and every time you write something or say). 6. Condemn the centuries-old violence, imperialism and colonization of Russia's neighbors and say that you understand that history imposes special obligations on any future Russia. 7. Approve again and again until you begin to believe that Russia as a country has no special rights. 8.

What is your "culture", no matter how big it may be, cannot serve as an indulgence and does not give you any special privileges (a copy of the message - the governments of Germany and France). 9. Do not mention a convincingly refuted theory from the school textbook that the Treaty of Versailles has led to Hitler. These were German PR. Its author (economist John Keynes) later regretted that he defended this position. 10.

Understand that your path to a family of civilized countries that are serious will be long and thorny. He will be careful and perhaps in the most clear way - the ones you depressed the most. 11. Understand that there are a number of larger countries in the world that have never committed such horrific crimes that the Russians have committed against their neighbors. These countries deserve more attention and help than you. 12. Never - you hear, never - do not: "But the Russians have suffered the most.

" What you do or hurt yourself is your business. And here is what you have done with others, from the Japanese and further along your border, up to Finland, applies to us. And, whether you like it or not, but those who have not tried your crimes will have less rights to speak on this issue than those who have experienced. 13. Realize that any "Marshall Plan" (for Russia), 13a can be discussed before discussing. Ukraine must be restored.