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Over the 56 years of the Kapuin Yar landfill, 24,000 missiles have been undermin...

Missiles that attack Ukraine first test in Kazakhs: local massively ill - media (photo)

Over the 56 years of the Kapuin Yar landfill, 24,000 missiles have been undermined and 177 types of military equipment were tested. In the examination of residents of the area find malignant tumors, pulmonary diseases, disorders of the immune system and blood composition. The Russian rocket training landfill Kabin Yar is based in the Astrakhan region of Russia.

However, the anti -aircraft and ballistic missiles that are being tested here fly to Kazakhstan and fall in the boxing - the steppe where the natural reserve, which is especially protected, is located. Journalists of the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta Europe" visited the Russian landfill, talked with the local and told details. According to journalists, after the tests, Russian missiles "will fly to kill Ukrainians, but at first they will be checked in Kazakhs.

" The publication notes that Russian rockets are dumped in the steppe of Kazakhstan, the debris fall near the houses, kill cattle, and the fires that occur as a result, the Kazaks are extinguished by themselves. "Even more difficult are environmental consequences: adults in Boocier die from cancer, children are born with disabilities," the message reads.

Journalists saw with their own eyes how in peaceful Kazakhstan people have been living "under Russian rockets" for decades and know that it is also a Russian war against neighbors, but "they do not say it aloud. " The publication said that landfills for weapons, including nuclear, near Kazakhstan, which was still part of the USSR, had seven. After the collapse of the Union, there are three of them, the total area of ​​landfills is 8. 7 million hectares. Kapustin Yar is one of them.

"On it the USSR since 1947 has tested rockets, first trophy FUU-2, then its own. Nuclear tests began in the late 1950s," the journalists say. According to the National Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan, published in 2005, for 56 years of existence of a landfill, Kapunin Yar was blown up 24,000 missiles, testing 177 types of military equipment, 619 missiles SS-20 were destroyed.

Radiation checks showed that even then, almost 20 years ago, the content of radioactive substances was "several times higher than the permissible standards. " After a medical examination of the local population in the landfill, it was established that among people the level of mental illness (especially children) is 2. 3 times higher than the average level in the region and 2. 1 times higher than the level in the republic.

Particularly dominated by malignant tumors, pulmonary diseases, disorders of the immune system and blood composition. "Despite the fact that another 19 years have passed, the cabbage Yar continued to function during this time. Many have left, many, on the contrary, work on "points" and live in the steppe without any registration.

The publication emphasizes that officially any official will say that the damage from the landfill is not proven, but there is a whole new document, namely the decision Administration of the Bocaboid District on Payments to "Disabled Persons Affected by the Consequences From the local budget 23. 7 million tenge (48. 8 thousand euros). And it is said: nuclear, " - said in the message. According to journalists, when the Russian military is testing another rocket, no one warns Kazakhs.