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According to the spokesman of the command of Dmitry Pletenchuk, the opponent is ...

Overlap "for every shy": the Russian Federation does not use the Crimean bridge for military logistics - the Navy

According to the spokesman of the command of Dmitry Pletenchuk, the opponent is afraid of new strikes on the illegal structure, so he is looking for other ways to replenish reserves. In particular, ships that are destroyed in the water area eventually. Russian invaders used the Crimean bridge for a long time on a temporarily occupied peninsula as a useful structure to replenish reserves. Now his role has begun to shift.

The spokesman of the Navy (Navy) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Pletenchuk on the air of the Freedom TV channel told about it. According to him, the enemy can no longer use the illegal bridge through the Kerch Gulf for military logistics. Recently, the situation was radically different. "For military logistics, they use not only a bridge but also large landing ships. " Caesar Kunykov "will not only lies.

But in principle, as we understand, the bridge is now not fully used for military logistics after those The injuries that he suffered as a result of a successful joint operation of the SBU and the Navy. Therefore, it is a more symbol of such imperiality, the invading aspirations of the Russian Federation, " - said Dmitry Pletenchuk. Separately, the Navy speaker added that Russia's civilian population continues to go illegally to Ukrainian Crimea using this bridge.

That is, it is still suitable for movement. At the same time, the regime in which it works is not normalized. It is constantly blocked "for every bzeb. " Accordingly, everything is unstable. Dmitry Pettechuk also recalled the construction of additional logistics elements that would allow to move temporarily occupied by Ukrainian regions, including the Crimean peninsula. Accordingly, he concluded that the Kerch bridge ceases to be a useful construction.