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Today, citizens of Ukraine who have reached the age of being in stock are subjec...

Removal from military accounting: Does this mean the loss of the status of a conscript

Today, citizens of Ukraine who have reached the age of being in stock are subject to exclusion from military accounting. What is the age and is it really removed from military accounting from the status of a conscript? Focus turned to lawyers. In Ukraine, the achievement of a certain age exempts citizens from the obligation to be regulated by law.

As Irina Boss's focus explained the focus of the lawyer of the law firm and partners, there are rules on the age of military personnel, as well as certain procedures and procedures for accounting in Ukraine. According to the lawyer, according to the Law of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" of 25. 03.

2014, the maximum age of stay in the stock of servicemen, for the ordinary warehouse was 40 years, for sergeants and elders - 45 years, ensign and ensign and warrant officers and Michmanov - 50 years. Earlier, the marginal age of the military reserve, for the ordinary warehouse was 40 years, for sergeants and officers - 45 years, ensign and meshman - 50 years, however, later the edition of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" changed, so now There are other age limits.

The main categories and the corresponding age boundaries are the following: these age boundaries determine when a conscript citizen must be removed from military accounting. "However, Article 58 of the Constitution of Ukraine establishes one of the most important generally recognized principles of modern law-laws and other normative legal acts have no retroactive effect in time.

This means that they extend only to those relations that arose after law or other normative -Legal acts of this principle are possible only in cases where laws and other normative legal acts mitigate or abolish the responsibility of a person, "-stresses Irina Boss. The grounds for withdrawal from military accounting are not limited to age. And citizens who move to another administrative-territorial unit should be on military registration at a new place of residence.

Today, citizens of Ukraine who have reached the age of being in stock are subject to exclusion from military accounting for military service are grounds for withdrawal from military accounting. Citizens who are called or admitted to military service or training in military institutions are removed from military accounting.

Citizens who are sent to serve or to whom compulsory medical measures have been applied, as well as enrolled in the military operational reserve, are also removed from military accounting. As Irina Boss explained, withdrawal from military accounting and exclusion from military accounting have different meanings and consequences. "Removed from military accounting is a temporary concept and it does not mean release from the status of a military person.

After withdrawal from military accounting, the military continues to perform duties of military accounting and should be on military accounting in another body. which loses the status of the conscript and does not apply to military accounting. Therefore, only those who have already been excluded from military accounting cannot be called for service in Ukraine.

According to the expert, they will not be able to renew on military registration of those that are excluded from it, because according to paragraph 2 of part 1 Military accounting of the Armed Forces, Security Service of Ukraine, Intelligence Bodies of Ukraine, in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, SBU, intelligence agencies of Ukraine, and are not excluded from military accounting in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 6 of Article 37 of the Law, namely - declared unsuitable for military service.