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According to the investigation, the products of the Ukrainian plant were supplie...

Supported the invasion of the Russian Federation: WAKS nationalized the Russian senator plant in Konotop

According to the investigation, the products of the Ukrainian plant were supplied to the full-scale invasion of the Ukrainian plant. In particular, the unique components of the Konotop plant were necessary for the Russians to produce their own warships.

The Supreme Anti -Corruption Court considered the materials submitted by the Security Service of Ukraine and decided to satisfy the claim of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the confiscation of assets owned by the Subanication Senator of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation Sergey Kalashnikov in favor of Ukraine. This was reported by the SBU press service.

It is about the nationalization of 100% of the authorized capital of Metrodetal - Konotop LLC in the territory of Sumy region. "This company is one of the largest plants in Europe that produces cylinders for road, locomotive and ship engines," the message reads. Prior to the start of a full-scale invasion, the products of the Ukrainian plant were supplied for the needs of the Russian military-industrial complex.

Particularly valuable components from the Konotop plant were used by Russian manufacturers to assign their warships. Also, as a senator of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation from the Kostroma region, Kalashnik voted for ratification of "treaties" on recognition of the so -called "L/DNR". And after the start of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation supported the "accession" of temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine in the Russian Federation.

We will remind, the other day the head of the Ministry of Economy Yulia Sviridenko informed that the Ukrainian government decided to confiscate the property of the head of the occupation administration of Kherson region Vladimir Saldo and his family members. In particular, three land plots, several enterprises and apartments of a collaborator have passed into the property of the state.