41.93 UAH ▲0.64%
43.58 UAH ▼0.29%
52.88 UAH ▼0.27%
10.25 UAH ▲0.29%
1.73 UAH ▼0.57%
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, the meaning of the Bank, which is bet...

Related to Russian roots "meaning Bank" became one of the most striking in Ukraine - People's Deputy

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, the meaning of the Bank, which is better known by the previous name of JSC "Alfa-Bank", became one of the most confused for 11 months of 2022. He took the second place with -5. 073 billion UAH of losses. Such information was published by Danilo Getmantsev, People's Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the VRU Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy.

Financial market expert Boris Kushniruk notes that the outflow of funds from the bank is ongoing, because clients are taking funds in large numbers. At the same time, he is surprised that the bank continues to operate. "For many months, they talk about nationalization in the expert environment, but this does not happen," Kushniruk notes. According to the expert, despite the change of the name, to manage the "meaning of the bank" continues the same team as the Alfa-Bank was still engaged.

In December 2022, the NBU applied to JSC "Sens Bank" fine 47 302 500 UAH due to failure to provide proper organization of the internal banking system for the prevention and counteraction and counteraction and conduct of primary financial monitoring.

Including for violation of the requirements of the second part of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction of Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues Produced Crime, Terrorism Financing and Financing of Mass Destruction Weapons dated December 06, 2019 No. 361-IX1, paragraph 63 of section 63 IV Regulations on the implementation of financial monitoring by banks, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of May 19, 2020 No. 65.

The violation consists in improper implementation of assessment/revaluation of risk of legalization (laundering) -VK/FT), including the inherent activity of the bank (risk-profile of the bank), the bank is not realized by the bank to update its own risk-profile.

Another 400 000 UAH the state charges for violation of the requirements of paragraph 2 of part two of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, finance the session of terrorism and the financing of the spread of weapons of mass destruction. " The violation is an improper performance of the obligation to study clients.