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Officially, Monatic is with a charity tour in the United States. Singer Dmitry M...

Galkin is not Russian: Monatics team justified for a wedding in Italy

Officially, Monatic is with a charity tour in the United States. Singer Dmitry Monatik, who recently performed at the wedding of the Ukrainian couple in Italy, where the presenter was Russian humor Maxim Galkin, commented on his performance. The official comment by the artist's team was announced by Interviewer Alina Dorotyuk. In particular, it is known that during the month Dmitry Monatic was abroad arguing his departure with charitable concerts in the United States in support of the Armed Forces.

Yes, the Monatic team confirmed their participation in an expensive wedding, which took place in Italy and explained that the singer really performed at his weekend at the wedding. The next day he was with a charity concert in Limassol. The manager explained that Dmitry agreed to a wedding speech only in order to increase the raising of funds for the needs of the Ukrainian army. "This month we had a charitable tour of the USA and Canada.

During it, the Ukrainian couple invited us to speak at a wedding in Italy. It was the only day off before the next charity concert in Limassol and the opportunity to multiply the gathering. Brides from Ukraine, organizers from Ukraine. Dima agreed Make this performance on your weekend, "the artist's team replied. In addition, they promised to provide all reporting on the meetings that are held abroad, but they will do so after July 15, when they return to Kiev.

Managers also stressed that Dmitry did not sing in Russian, but spoke exclusively with the Ukrainian repertoire. The Monatic team also stated that there were no Russians among the guests, but with respect to Maxim Galkin's presenter, according to their information, he has the citizenship of Israel. "About the presenter of the evening - as far as we know, Maxim is not Russian, but received the citizenship of Israel. He conducted Ukrainian and sang Ukrainian songs," the team said.