41.44 UAH ▲0.41%
46.24 UAH ▲1.69%
55.05 UAH ▲2.23%
10.84 UAH ▲2.44%
1.84 UAH ▲1.88%
During the war for the enterprise, it is impossible to get even the minimum pric...

Give $ 99 to get one: why during the war the country sells cheap

During the war for the enterprise, it is impossible to get even the minimum price of peacetime - not that cycle of development. Starting from this fact, economist Alexei Kush asks a rhetorical question: why are the country being selling cheaply now? Why many officials and deputies buy real estate and cars during the war. And what privatization is here. As you have noticed, the electronic declarations of many public persons are gaining assets during the war.

I do not discuss the moral and ethical aspect of this. Important - why do they do it? Because it is profitable. Real estate falls in price, especially elite. The owner of a cottage for Kiev, which is tired of war in Kiev restaurants and who decided to move to restaurants of Paris, will give a good discount to the buyer who was rich during the war. There are also nuances about the car: for example, tax removal when imported under the pretext of volunteers at the beginning of the war.

When, in a few months, up to $ 3 billion was lined up from the country, and the Poles glared at the ropes of elite cars towards our border from the western direction. Why does none of the public persons sell their real estate (well, except for those who decided to teleport under other people's documents)? The answer is simple - it is unprofitable and no one will do it without extreme need. And the urgent need for these circles never happens.

But why do our officials with such manic perseverance want to sell the remains of liquid state assets during the war? After all, if they were their assets, they would not have done it. And what can you? There is another logic? During the war, on a counterclays, you will never get even the minimum price of peacetime. Why sell, for example, a "United Mining Company" for UAH 3.

6 billion or less than $ 100 million? It is a unique company that controls the production of titanium - strategic raw materials. It is the basis of the future cluster model of the economy and one of the key clusters - titanium. The Zaporizhzhya Titano-Magnesium Plant can be resuscitated. It is clear that now no one will launch titanium processing in Zaporozhye - there is no electricity, near the front line, the blows of the Russians from the air.

Under such conditions, only those who will continue to strengthen the raw material nature of our economy will continue to buy, delivering titanium as valuable raw materials to enterprises in other countries. But for Titan, the multiplier effect (increasing the value of the finished product compared to raw materials) is one of the largest - more than 1: 100. Why give us $ 99, getting only one? And do UAH 3.

6 billion save the budget? We spend up to UAH 300 billion a month, or almost UAH 10 billion per day. That is, the money from privatization of UAH 3. 6 billion is enough less than south of the Ministry of Finance. Maybe it is better to wait until the end of the war and not to squat a national heritage, if it has already been returned once, taking away from a well -known oligarch in state property? The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.