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“On February 24, a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine was appointed. ...

Stupid commanders and greedy officials: Do not go military in your pocket

“On February 24, a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine was appointed. On February 23 - Putin's message to the Federal Assembly. Putin needs to win these dates a little. Therefore, the Russians will be seriously coming in the coming days. ” Opinion. Most Western military assistance will only come from the end of March, and it is unreasonable to wait for our opponent while we will argue.

We argue and mobilize - because mobilization, as always, is late; Half a year after the first wave, we chewed Shmarkli instead of preparing a full -fledged army of the reserve, and the losses are growing, the troops are tired, and they begin to row all in a row like in Russia . . . Not surprisingly - we came out of one overcoat, from one Soviet military school, in Which chief is always right and the life of a soldier is not worth a penny. However, no, it is worth 15 million per death.

And here begins bloody accounting as a mirror of inefficiency of our country. On the one hand, the huge cost of death, the huge costs of treating the wounded. On the other hand, the poor preparation of mobilized, impunity of the talented, stupid commanders, who we also have a dam of gathers and who, in full serious seriousness, believe that the more losses are among the personnel, so they (commanders) are better at war.

And here is the top "good" thought-and let us intensify punishment for servicemen (subordinates) so that they humbly obey any orders, because the commander is always right, and the greater the losses-the better he fights. Bloody accounting works for the entire coil, growing military cemeteries, and the money in the country is getting less.

And then the reasonable "successful" idea comes to the opinion of someone: and let's "optimize" the financial support of servicemen, they receive something too much while in the conditional rear. And to explain to anyone above that during the war it is absolutely unacceptable to climb into the pocket of the military. Not only because it is immoral, but also because the salaries of military personnel today live half a country and have remnants of a civilian economy.

And most importantly - for this money, servicemen buy themselves equipment, equipment, coptors, cars, generators, fuel, and, cutting the salaries of the military, officials directly undermine the combat capability of the army.

It is a bloody closed circle: bad commanding decisions lead to the death of servicemen - increasing losses increases mobilization - urgent mobilization does not leave time for serious preparation - poor preparation leads to an increase in loss - Reducing the combat capability of the army leads to an increase in losses. And so - to the end. Suddenly, this corruption . . . Not suddenly, of course, it is not treated with demonstration searches, arrests and suspicions.