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One can only guess what points are Zelensky's plan, which he went to present to ...

The riddle of Zelensky's plan: what to expect from the conversation of the President of Ukraine with US toppoliticians

One can only guess what points are Zelensky's plan, which he went to present to Washington. The success of his mission and the future of Ukraine depend on what he will say in the coming hours, says political scientist Maxim Yali. What to expect from Zelensky's future visit to the US? As for Joe Baiden, he will perform the duties of the US President by January 20, 2025. Therefore, to speak to him President Zelensky, of course, meaning.

Together with the time of war in the conditions of war, he will still remain the head of the White House, and that all decisions on the allocation of military assistance to Ukraine are made by him, not Kamala Harris as a vice -resident. I do not agree that Biden will definitely not make important decisions. On the contrary, given that he ends the presidential term and he will not run again, you can try to convince him.

Again, the topic of presidential heritage in foreign policy may come to the fore, especially given the series of key international security threats. But all beliefs should be reasoned and have a long -term strategy with specific expected results. There are no details of the Zelensky Victory Plan yet, but there are quite pessimistic expectations, based on the previous experience of 2. 5 years - how the President has made all previous decisions.

Therefore, it all depends on the arguments that the Ukrainian side will provide. As for Donald Trump, he is definitely one of two candidates who have at least 50% of the chances of success, it is also worth presenting this plan. Moreover, given his ambitious high -profile statements that he would end this war in the event of his victory in the presidential election before he was authorized. The same goes for Harris.

The meeting with it should be used to establish a relationship in case of its victory in the election. She should explain in detail the situation, the options for its development and what risks in the event of the defeat of Ukraine in this war are for the United States and for it in person. I have a expectation from Zelensky's visit to the United States restrained.

Recall that everyone was expecting important decisions for Ukraine after Joe Baiden's meeting with Prime Minister Kiir Starym, as well as when Anthony Blinken, along with the British Foreign Minister David Lemmy, visited Kiev. At that time, the Western partners had the desire to see this plan and strategy of war in the coming year, but perhaps Kiev did not give convincing arguments, so it did not appear permission to strike deep from Western partners.