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After many months of calls and journalistic investigations, the government has f...

Russians with 1xbet will be entered in the NSDB's sanction lists for 10 years - media

After many months of calls and journalistic investigations, the government has finally prepared a sanction document for agreement in the Government, according to the media, at least three citizens of Russia, who are directly related to the Russian bookmaker 1xbet, can be reached by the NSDC. About it reports the edition of The Page. According to him, the document has already been prepared and directed for approval to the government.

The Commission on Regulation of Gambling and Lottery of Ukraine (Kilil) was engaged in preparation, which for a long time was thrown into the lobbying of the interests of the Russians. According to The Page, the list of downs included LLC "Your Betting Company" and at least 3 Russian citizens who are directly related to 1xbet. These are Sergey Karshkov, Roman Semiokhin and Dmitry Casorin.

According to the newspaper, for "Your Betting Company" they have been asking for 5 years, but for the Russian-founders 1xbet-10 years each. At the same time, the chairman Ivan Rudy did not refute in a comment to the publication and did not confirm the presence of such a sanction list. The commission's sides explained the sensitivity of information.

It is worth noting that Russian Boris Baum, who is associated with the head of the doril, has previously stated that numerous investigations (including a detailed investigation of the Ukrainian information and intelligence community InformNapalm), which proved by Russian origin of 1xbet and the danger of its activity in Ukraine . We will remind, the dowels gave the bookmaker license LLC "Your Betting Company" (TBK LLC, Ukrainian legal entity of the 1hvet brand) in March 2022.

Only after a wave of outrage, on July 26, did the Kilil be forced to contact the SBU for checking the involvement of the founders of TBK LLC in Russia. In August 2022, after a 1xbet ban in Ukraine gained more than 25,000 votes, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky personally instructed the Premier Shmigal to check the work of 1xbet in Ukraine and resolve the issue with its ban in the country.