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According to Russian sources, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation alleged...

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation advanced in the time ravine under the cover of "Sunspeck" and Kabiv, - isw (map)

According to Russian sources, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation allegedly captured most of the Channel neighborhood. But the ISW did not find confirmation of this. Russian troops recently advanced to the Channel neighborhood, the east of the time ravine, and continued offensive operations in the area on June 8 and 9.

Geolovanized footage, published on June 9, showed that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation recently advanced to the west, into the industrial zone of the Channel neighborhood. About it reports "Institute of War Study" in the summary of June 9. Russian sources talk about the seizure of the industrial zone and also distributed personnel, which probably shows parts of the Russian 98th Division of GVI, which lift the flag above the Channel neighborhood.

It is claimed that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation seized most of the neighborhood. But the ISW did not show visual evidence of the seizure of the industrial zone.

One of the Russian troops complained that in many Russian publications the offensive of the Russian Federation in the Channel neighborhood is called a sudden breakthrough, while these achievements have become a result of more than two -month systemic offensive operations since April 2024 and more than two weeks of blow Settings of Tos.

Russian troops also continued offensive operations in the eastern part of the time ravine near the "new" neighborhood; north of the city near Kalinovka; And in the southeast in the area of ​​Ivanovsky, Andreevka and Kingivka on June 8 and 9. A representative of the Ukrainian brigade stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the offensive in the Bakhmut direction in small assault groups and from time to time use armored vehicles.

According to him, recently the Ukrainian forces repelled the Russian mechanized attack of about the company in the Bakhmut direction. The ISW noted that on June 5, Russian troops have mechanized attacks in the temporal ravine area with at least about a platoon, and possibly more. Recall that the United States significantly limit the possibilities of the Armed Forces for the task of strikes in the Russian territory.