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71-year-old Vladimir Putin demands that Russian scientists convey recent researc...

Eternally young - forever at the helm: Russian scientists have to find cure for old age for Putin

71-year-old Vladimir Putin demands that Russian scientists convey recent research in the field of aging, probably in an attempt to prolong his life. Vladimir Putin is looking for cure for old age in the best traditions of the Soviet Politburo. The Russian scientist is ordered to convey the data of their latest research in the field of aging, probably in an attempt to save the life of Vladimir Putin and his environment, which is seventy.

According to the informed source, the decree came from the "greatest boss" and forced officials in a hurry to fulfill the alleged instructions of a 71-year-old dictator. About it writes Daily Mail. Putin has long been interested in the problem of fighting aging, but now a new urgent need to find "active longevity".

Journalists refer to an independent edition of "Medusa", which published a letter from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation sent to them in June demanding that the latest developments in the field of biological clock turn back. The source reported: "The largest chief set the task, and officials rushed to implement it in every possible way.

" Doctors were required to promptly provide "proposals for development" in the following fields: the authenticity of the document was confirmed by two doctors working in research medical centers, as well as an employee of one of the academic institutes. The speed and perseverance with which scientists demanded to provide data were surprised. "We were asked urgently to send all our developments, in addition, the letter came, say, today, and it was necessary to send everything yesterday.

For the first time in my life with such, honestly, I face-usually any National Product or FCC (federal The target program) is preceded by a number of meetings with the participation of various specialists, some public discussion, " - was surprised by the doctor of one of the national medical research centers (NMDC) in the Russian Federation.

Currently, the Russian dictator has the legal authority to remain in power until 2036, after in 2020, a decision was made to extend the term of office, which means that it will remain in power until it is 80 years old.

Putin is known to be surrounded by a ring of associates, including foreign minister Sergey Lavrov (74 years), FSB Head of Security Alexander Bortnikov (72 years), senior advisor Mykola Patrushev (73 years), Chief of Intelligence of the SSR Sergey Narishkin (73 70 years) and speaker of the Russian Senate Valentina Matvienko (75 years). A source close to the Kremlin said: "All modern research referred to in the National Processing is quite expensive - they require a lot of costs.

The development of new drugs is worth billions, no national project can handle it, especially now. " Some believe that this initiative is a close ally of Putin, 77-year-old Mikhail Kovalchuk, the head of the Kurchatov Institute, the leading nuclear institute of Russia. He is considered a supporter of conspiracy theory, he advocates the development of the so -called "Russian genome" and speaks of "weapons aimed at a certain ethnic group.

" Earlier this year, Putin stated that Russia needs a new national project aimed at "maintaining the health" of its citizens. Vladimir Putin's eldest daughter Maria Vorontsova, 39 years old. Vorontsova, endocrinologist, is also likely to be involved in search of medicines from old age. One of its programs is the fight against aging, the purpose of which is to save 175,000 lives by 2030.

And Putin could have fed the death of his ancient guru in the field of aging, 77-year-old Professor Vladimir Khavinson, director of St. Petersburg Byregulation and Gerontology. Gerontologist Havinson argued that he discovered a secret that enables people to live up to 110 or 120 years old, slowing down the aging process.

It is known that he tried to help the three previous Kremlin leaders - Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov and Boris Yeltsin - but complained that he was invited too late to significantly prolong their lives. Putin's beloved Alina Kabaeva, 41 years old, like other leading Russian gymnasts, has received his "Havinson peptides" - rejuvenating and healing cocktails, which he developed after many years of secret studies while working in the Soviet Red Army.