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In Ukraine, they plan to increase mobilization. To do this, they want to put all...

Not pregnant - into the army: why the Council spoke about women's military accounting

In Ukraine, they plan to increase mobilization. To do this, they want to put all women aged 18-60 years on military accounting. While the initiative was only announced in the Verkhovna Rada, but she did not meet the approval in the General Staff of the Armed Forces. The focus understood why people's deputies wanted to register women. The people's deputies continue to voice the abstracts of an unpublished bill, called to make large -scale changes in the mobilization process.

The document is still not registered and is under review. Particular attention is paid to the most striking and unpopular initiatives, including women's military accounting. According to the People's Deputy Maryana Bezsloy, mobilized Ukrainians could be replaced in the rear parts of men-military, which is 700 thousand. And, in turn, they would be sent to the front to rotate fighters who defend the country from the first day of the Great War.

It is known that in Ukraine since October 1, 2023, military accounting is obligatory for women medical and pharmacists. The rest of the Ukrainian women can pass the Military Medical Commission and voluntarily register. However, judging by the statements of the People's Deputy Maryana Bezubgly, in the new bill this rule is planned to be expanded. So far, the formulations, voiced by the politician, are quite general: according to the vague, the Ukrainian people will be sent to the rear.

They can also be sent to defense enterprises. The main argument in favor of women's military accounting is equality. According to the politician, while men are mobilized - women leave Ukraine to "find love in Europe. " Therefore, this order must be changed. In the comments to the post, where the People's Deputy posted in detail her opinion about military accounting, she was specified - whether there will be a norm for service in the rear registered in the law.

The politician made it clear that in the future the norm can be interpreted widely. "Our flowers are not born for difficulties, let all men pull; our flowers in Europe are better," Bezugla wrote. At the same time, the Armed Forces General Staff, according to the politician, against the production of all women on military registration, because they believe that such a decision will cause misunderstanding in society.

On October 1, a new order of women's military accounting has come into force in Ukraine. The norm affected doctors, nurses and pharmacists. In practice, according to experts, the process of military accounting for women is voluntary, since the CCC does not have information about anyone who has graduated from medical institutions. In addition, by 2026 there is a transition period, during which Ukrainians with medical specialties can be employed without a military ticket.

It is worth noting that there are no restrictions on traveling abroad for women's medical records. The rest of the Ukrainian women on military accounting are taken on a voluntary basis. But the plans of the people's deputies - to expand this norm. What is it about? Judging from the announcement of Maryana Bezsloy, they plan to put all women aged 18-60 years on military accounting. The military will undergo basic general military training.

This may mean that they will gain knowledge and skills in the possession of small arms; will learn the methods of providing medical care, primary psychological care (self -help); as well as compliance with the rules of international humanitarian law and rules of war. During the martial law, they will be involved in the rear military service. They will voluntarily be sent to combat positions. The reason for delay, in addition to general reasons, will be pregnancy, as well as care for the baby.

If a woman is registered and becomes a military manner, she may probably apply the same restrictions as men. The main one is the ban on traveling abroad during martial law. According to the lawyer of the law company "Riyako & Partners" Mykola Maximov, it is almost impossible to organize military registration of women in practice. In the Tax Code and the JV, there is simply no base where you can get information about Ukrainian women to be recorded.

"I know that health workers, even if they do not work, but somewhere they can, call the chief doctors and recommend to register. In fact, there are many calls, and there are little calls. I have not heard yet. So it's hard to say how all women can organize military registration, ”says focus an expert. Maximov adds that technically in the bill can expand the list of specialties for women to be recorded. And through employers, get information about Ukrainian women who should be registered.

"There are now a number of specialties, including adjacent ones that can be registered. For example, technical specialties - metrologists, engineers - or computer technologies - programmers, cybersecurity workers," the expert. Lawyer Yevgeny Zuranzhi notes that such a likelihood of such proposals for politics study the moods in society - whether such initiatives will meet or receive support. No forced mechanisms will be involved in practice. "There is such a moment-ask more, you will get less.

For wives to drive their husbands to fight, you need to put them in the situation of psychological threat to them. Among women-medical women, there is a minimal number of people. Many employers are easier to pay a fine for violation of military accounting order than to submit lists of employees to the shopping center, " - says Zuranadi. According to the political analyst, Igor Reitrovich, voiced by the continuity - the initiative of individual people's deputies that are part of the draft law.

The proposal has already met with resistance from the General Staff of the Armed Forces. "It is still similar to a political technological instrument to distract society. That is, the initiative is offered, it causes lively discussion, irritation, with the backdrop of scandalousity, the norm is removed, but instead other provisions left in the shadows are held through parliament with less resistance from society. This is a standard scheme.

Such an initiative can eventually lead to an increase in the outflow of the population from the country, as well as hit the rating of the current government, " - said the expert in a conversation with focus. Reitrovich adds that the more scandalous provision of the unpublished bill is the expansion of the powers of the CCC staff. Earlier, the People's Deputy Roman Kostenko noted that military committees could be allowed to check documents on the streets.

Currently, only law enforcement officers, as well as SBU staff, National Guard, State Border Service, State Migration Service, State Customs officers and the Armed Forces referred to in the commandant's order. According to Reitrovich, the broad powers of the Tax Code can lead to abuse of power. The focus previously wrote about how people's deputies plan to punish evaders. Experts suggest that those who avoid mobilization may deprive the driver's license.