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After a massive shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of Ukrain...

Methods, Shakhadov plant, Crimean Bridge: How Ukraine will respond to the shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on December 29

After a massive shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of Ukrainian cities, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy promised that there would be a blow. Focus learned from experts, what are the priority goals of Ukraine's defense forces now. "We will definitely respond to terrorists to their blows.

And we will fight to ensure the safety of our country, every city, all our people," - wrote President Vladimir Zelensky in his Telegram, commenting on the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine in the morning, 29 December. Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the NSDC, said that the answer will not wait, the NSDC secretary. As a result of the attack in Kiev, Lviv, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye and other cities, 12 people were killed, about 70 were injured.

According to the Air Forces of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation involved almost 160 air purposes. The invaders used Iranian drones of Shahd, "daggers", missiles X-101/X-505. Kharkiv was fired from C-300 anti-aircraft missile complexes. In Kiev, the alarm, which was turned on three times, lasted almost 5 hours. The capital was attacked by several dozen rockets. "Once the president said, so the answer will be," says the focus of the Colonel of the Armed Forces Oleg Zhdanov.

According to the expert, the main goals for the forces of defense are military objects both in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the temporarily occupied Crimea. "We do not beat on maternity hospitals, high schools, houses and shopping centers. We beat oil depots, warehouses, aerodromes, substations that nourish military facilities. In occupied Crimea, more than 200 military volumes in the occupied Crimea. Ents, " - continues Zhdanov.

One of the strategic goals for Ukraine is the Crimean bridge. The expert notes that the Russians build a rail from Rostov to the occupied Melitopol. As soon as construction is completed, the bridge will not have the main logistics for the Russians. "Without a railway station it is costly and slowly to provide troops in the occupied south of Ukraine. The future railway is also a military object and a legal purpose for us.

But so far the branch is being built, and the bridge is the main strategic object. But to finally destroy it, we Weapons are needed. We have a 165 km cassette rockets, and the needed is a fugasna so that there is a devastating force, "Zhdanov notes. Another important goal for the Ukrainian army is Russian small missile ships that are carriers. According to the expert, the Russians hide the remains of the Black Sea Fleet between Kerch and Novorossiysk.

To do this, they made a live shield - marked the area of ​​inspection of civilian vessels, which are about to pass through the Kerch Strait, created an artificial queue and hid the warships in it. "We are now controlling the airspace over the northwestern part of the Black Sea. The Russians know it and are afraid to remove ships. This is one of the reasons why they do not use" calibers "now," Zhdanov says.

Focus interlocutor adds that airfields and power systems in the Russian Federation are also priority for Ukraine's defense forces, since most of Russian missiles are aviation. "We are interested in aerodromes, first of all. Today's blow has confirmed it again. You can use fire damage to the energy facilities that feed the aerodromes. At each airfield there is an electrical substation. We are also interested in the storage base of ammunition, oil dew And the course of the fighting, ”Zhdanov adds.

According to the ATO veteran, the military expert Yevgeny Dyky, the blows to the territory of the Russian Federation can stop massive shelling in Ukraine. Most rockets manufactured in the depths of the Russian Federation. Shakhda is made in Tatarstan, rockets - behind the Urals. "Work on Crimea we will not solve the issue of rocket strokes. To solve problems, we need to beat the territory of the Russian Federation.

Western partners did not remove and are not going to lift a ban on the use of their weapons in the Russian Federation. Therefore, we count only on our own forces. Moscow. They need to be improved, set up a mass release. As an example, every individual "Shahaned" is not as effective as a whole party, "says Focus Wild. In order to strike Russian factories, where rockets and UAVs are made, you need to develop your own production of drones with a range of 1000 km.

"War is an eye for the eye, a tooth for a tooth. The answer is to give, because our air defense forces do everything possible, but 100% effective system in the world does not exist, something will still be coming, so we need to do everything so that it does not fly away. To do this, we can develop the production of drones for strokes in factories. It is very difficult, we are working on it and I hope that next year there will be serious results, " - says Focus Wild.

The expert adds that in the case of C-300 and C-400 missiles, which cannot be intercepted by the air defense forces, it is necessary to strike through the starting systems. "These missiles of a small radius of action arrive in minutes, at which time they cannot Form DRG, special forces groups to track starting systems, " - summarizes the wild. Focus earlier wrote that the massive blow of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on December 29 - probably revenge for Novocherkassk.