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The gross domestic product of Ukraine, according to the government, will increas...

The situation is setting up: the Cabinet of Ministers believes that the economy has already recovered from the shock of war

The gross domestic product of Ukraine, according to the government, will increase by at least 3% after adaptation to military conditions. After a powerful decline in 2022, provoked by a full-scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian economy of 2023 demonstrates the signs of "recovery". Thus, according to Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, the growth of consumer prices in Ukraine will slow down to 8-9% after last year's inflation in 26. 6%.

He said this on October 12, speaking at the Kiev International Economic Forum. As the head of government explained, changes will be held with GDP. Thus, the growth by the end of 2023 should reach 3%, GDP is expected by more than 3% after falling by 29. 1% in 2022. "Now we have inflation about 8-9%, we will see in a year, but I am sure that the level will not be higher," he said. Shmigal noted that in 2022 the fall in the economy was 30%, the country lost almost 30% of GDP and 35% of imports.

The inflation rate was 26%, and the industry began a deep crisis. In addition, the budget deficit was about 20%. But already in 2023, the situation was stabilized, in particular through international assistance. Now the international reserves of our country are a record $ 40 billion in history, but the budget deficit is still almost last year, but it is compensated by international partners.

"If in 2022 Ukraine received $ 32 billion grants and preferential loans, this year it will be $ 42 billion in direct budget financing, without military support and humanitarian assistance. There is an understanding that this year this year GDP growth will be within 3% and More, "the Prime Minister explained. It should be noted that on October 11, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a new forecast for the Ukrainian economy on October 11.

According to the calculations of the Fund analysts, by the end of 2023, the economic growth of Ukraine in the conditions of war will improve, but by 2%, while in the Cabinet of Ministers predict 3%. Also, Ukraine can fulfill all major social obligations in 2024, the government will need financial support from international partners. According to Denis Shmigal, our country expects to get $ 42 billion from allies.