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Sudzhi does not resemble any of the Ukrainian cities that came to the Russian me...

The Russians have recovered and demand rights: as Sudzhi met Independence Day of Ukraine (photo)

Sudzhi does not resemble any of the Ukrainian cities that came to the Russian measure. Local residents are happy to be lucky because the Armed Forces attack occurred in the summer, not in winter. Recently, the Sudzhi Kursk region has become "louder": Russian troops have begun to resist the offensive of the Armed Forces, and the civilian residents of the district center have not been ashamed to make their demands on journalists and the military. About it writes "Novinarnya".

Almost all the housing in Sudzh is an entire and unharmed, including the local church. In the central square, there are only a little beaten administrative buildings. But they also have only a little damaged the facade and the windows were knocked out. That is, Sudzhi does not resemble any of the Ukrainian cities, which came to the Russian measure, states journalist Anna Kalyuzhna. In the central square stands the broken bust of Lenin. As it turned out, he was not "decommunized".

Siversk spokesman said that the bust was broken by the Russians Dron-Kamikadze. During the "excursion" the city appeared by the Russian FPV-Dron and journalists had to hide under the trees, causing danger. "Of course, the enemy already understands what is happening and begins to restrain our actions. Activity is very large, FPV-punks are used. We use ours. Siversk. "The enemy here is no longer the same as at the beginning.

He has no confusion - he has regrouped and took a favorable position," the military explains. He says that at first in the Kurchyna, the stitches and border guards were really captured. And now the Russians throw more capable regular units from the east and south of Ukraine. Therefore, the Armed Forces change "courage" to caution. In Sudzh, after the fighting, water supply and communications and water first and the products were transported by the military.

Currently, these issues are taken care of by the created military commandant. The judges live mostly in the basements. Near one of them, the locals, sitting on the bench, talk that they were lucky that the Armed Forces attack occurred in the summer, when warm on the street, without even thinking how Ukrainians lived in the winter of 2022 and 2023.

Most local residents assure that they are "out of politics" and "Putin is to blame" and only one acknowledged that Russia was guilty of "someone else's home" in the war. The most active Russian "translates the conversation" and asks Ukrainian journalists to assist so that the newly created military commandant provides the local call to his relatives and the corridor for departure. Two of them want to go to Russia to relatives, and two want to stay in Sudzh.

"But we are all Ukrainians here! We are all Ukrainian here! We have a native here," - says one of the judges and goes to our home. Journalists leave the Sudzhi under the volleys of artillery. Meanwhile, on the border, it became quieter in Ukrainian Yunnak, as the front moved 30 kilometers further than two weeks ago. We will remind, in Sudzh appeared its territorial defense. It was created by local men who did not leave the war zone.