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After the man in camouflage did not respond to the question, the convicted perso...

Khmelnytskyi resident killed a friend because he confused him with a Russian soldier: Details

After the man in camouflage did not respond to the question, the convicted person in a state of alcohol intoxication decided to "eliminate" him. In Khmelnytskyi, a man who killed a friend was tried because he confused him with the Russian occupier. The accused received 15 years in prison. This was reported by the press service of the Khmelnytsky City Court. The tragedy occurred in April 2022 in Guards. The accused, who was intoxicated, brutally killed a man.

According to the case file, the man drank alcohol with his victim that day. At night, when he slept, he saw an unknown in camouflage through the uninvited door to the house. The unknown did not respond to him, and then the accused, thinking that it was a Russian soldier, decided to liquidate him. The person involved in the case beat him with his hands and feet, and after that he made 5 beats with an economic ax on his head.

As a result of the resulting open traumatic brain injury with multiple fractures of the bones of the vault and the base of the skull, the victim died in place. In court, the man pleaded guilty. The aggravating circumstance was that the crime was intoxicated. The softening circumstance is that he had a minor child on his maintenance. The court condemned the man to 15 years in prison. Prior to the entry of the sentence, the defendant was left in custody.

The man was previously convicted and served his term, 10 years for the bastard for murder, according to the verdict of the Court of Appeal of Khmelnytsky region for 2005. We will remind that in the office of the Prosecutor General reported that more than a hundred Russian tortures were found in the territories of Ukraine. According to the Prosecutor General, 90% of captives and detained Ukrainians suffer torture or a particular type of violence.