He reported this in his Telegram channel. "It is painful to look at how the p*gifts are moving in the Toretsky and Pokrovsky directions, it hurts the understanding of how many mistakes the command makes," Stanislav Bunyatov said. He noted that battalion commanders do not provide a valid situation with even related units to further remove responsibility. Some combat orders are disoriented, there are no clearly coordinated work plans between teams and sometimes battalions.
In addition, the situation on the front is influenced by the policy of "commanders with crowns on the heads:" I have the extent of your own, the water is not interested "," that is what me teaches me. "" The situation is controlled, the commanders of some brigades/battalions are put on all x*and report invalid information, "Osman stressed.
According to him, the Toretsky and Pokrovsky directions are kept on some of the combos, combines and mouths that" day and night do not sleep , independently look for exits to friendly organisms to somehow stick everything into a pile. "The serviceman noted that these areas require a single connection between units of artillery, UAV and infantry, rapid coordination and interaction.
To replace a large number of comburgists and units by one, which will be equal to the total number of people in the units. We will remind, on August 19, DeepState analysts said that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation advanced near four settlements located along the Arc near Mirnograd and Pokrovsk. Yes, the Armed Forces had to retreat from 600 meters to two kilometers.
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