"The fighting for Avdiivka is ongoing," Yermak wrote. Local telegram channels posted additional photos of a multi-storey building and suggested that the X-59 rocket had hit it. It is reported that people have lived there to this day. We will remind, on March 16, the head of the Avdi military administration Vitaliy Barabash on TV reported about a massive artillery shelling of Avdiivka.
According to the official, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is used for strikes in the city of RSZV C-200, flight X-59, and strategic winged missiles X-111, X-555. Also on March 16, the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko shared a video, which shows the parked in the middle of the civilian construction of the SCR. The invaders installed the air defense system simply on the side of the street. On technique, you can see the invading symbolism - the letter "V".
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